The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Fresh water of the Holy Ghost

- Bishop B. Manjoro Dunamis

TODAY I will talk to you about the fresh water of the Holy Ghost. It is the kind of water that quenches thirsty. Jesus said let those who are thirst come to me and drink.

There are people today who are thirsty for:

◆ the gifts of God

◆ success of businesses and projects

◆ to see visions ◆ righteousn­ess

◆ various desires and pursuits

in life John 7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

This is an article for the thirsty and today is a good day, something is going to be restored today in life. That which you felt or experience­d before but had vanished or grown cold today is the day. The fresh water of the Holy Ghost must revive you O hallelujah!

You had a powerful ministry but it had become silent and ordinary but today is a good day because God is going to restore and revive it.

There are gifts and ministries that should be functionin­g but they are not.

Relationsh­ips had gone wrong and sower.

Let the water flow and restore! Today you must not read this article like normal and it ends there, because Jesus is saying anyone that thirsts , come and drink.

If you believe in God, rivers (not streams) of living (not ordinary) waters shall flow from you. Whatever you are thirst for, the Holy Ghost is here to quench your thirst.

If you have passion for evangelism, today your thirst will be quenched here.

If you are thirst for money and God gives you money then remember to also use it for the things of God. God will give you what you desire!

You see when you are the channel, God uses to bless with money for His work, newewo unosara uine mari!

You will also prosper and not just be a channel for His work.

Whoever has a desire in his/ her heart, come and drink. People come , people go.

Seasons comes and go. But the word of God is forever, it’s not seasonal.

I’m not talking about gifts only, even things of the physical. When l say natural things , l’m speaking of: money, houses, cars, clothes, healing and all you can think of! God can do it, the natural things. In your family if noone has prospered, God wants to prosper you!

Stop asking questions ,whatever God gives you, take it. Believe and rivers of living waters will flow. Water is life. Today whatever you desire, God is ready to release it in your: life and family. God is releasing the invisible today.

Believe in your heart, have faith that whatever you desire, when you pray today God will give you.

To some God will give you what you want, but to some God will give you what He wants yet it will be the very best for you. O I like it I like it!

For with God all things are possible Mark 10:27

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