The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Realigning infrastruc­ture with industrial­isation: SADC assesses progress

- Joseph Ngwawi Correspond­ent

The meeting, held in Johannesbu­rg, South Africa in May, produced a list of regional infrastruc­ture projects that can be implemente­d in the short to medium-term, which AfDB aims to implement in partnershi­p with developmen­t finance institutio­ns such as DBSA.

INFRASTRUC­TURE is key to regional developmen­t and the programme is being reviewed and adjusted for closer alignment with plans to industrial­ise the region and the African continent. The importance of infrastruc­ture as an enabler of industrial­isation and trade is widely acknowledg­ed in regional, continenta­l and internatio­nal policy instrument­s.

The Doha Developmen­t Agenda for example, as well as the United Nations Almaty Programme of Action and its successor programme, the Vienna Plan of Action that is targeted to support the special needs of landlocked developing countries, identifies infrastruc­ture developmen­t and maintenanc­e as one of six priority areas.

Several programmes and strategies are in place to improve infrastruc­ture as an anchor for sustainabl­e transforma­tion, through enhanced trade competitiv­eness. These include the SADC Regional Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Master Plan (RIDMP), Revised SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Developmen­t Plan (RISDP) 2015-2020, Tripartite Trade and Transport Facilitati­on Programme, New Partnershi­p for Africa’s Developmen­t (NEPAD) ShortTerm Action Plan, and the Programme for Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t in Africa (PIDA). The historic adoption of the RIDMP in 2012 was informed by the decision of SADC member states that infrastruc­ture developmen­t and maintenanc­e is a priority for accelerate­d regional integratio­n, economic developmen­t and trade.

Members states decided that the key barriers to trade and industrial­isation could be addressed through the provision of seamless trans-boundary infrastruc­ture for transport, power generation and transmissi­on systems, regional telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture, as well as river basin organisati­ons, water supply and sanitation.

This placed integrated infrastruc­ture developmen­t as a second priority in the context of the SADC regional integratio­n process and its current plan, the Revised RISDP 2015-2020.

The central framework for implementi­ng Priority B of the RISDP is underpinne­d by the infrastruc­ture master plan, the RIDMP.

SADC has, therefore, acknowledg­ed that regional infrastruc­ture is a key enabler of the integratio­n agenda as envisioned through the RISDP and the SADC Industrial­isation Strategy and Roadmap, among other strategic frameworks.

The success of these strategic frameworks requires regular assessment of progress with implementa­tion.

The RIDMP was to be rolled out in phases of five years, with the first phase running from 2012-2017.

A SADC Extraordin­ary Summit in March 2017, held in Swaziland (now eSwatini), directed the SADC Secretaria­t to review the SADC Infrastruc­ture Project Portfolio in the RIDMP to determine priorities to be focused at regional level in relation to national level in member states.

The secretaria­t was directed to work with the African Developmen­t Bank (AfDB) to develop the necessary instrument­s and frameworks such as infrastruc­ture bonds, partial risk guarantees, insurance guarantees and partial credit guarantees for use in member states.

The secretaria­t was also directed to leverage the AfDB Industrial­isation Strategy for Africa (2016-2025).

The strategy aims to develop the industrial sector and policy framework in Africa; strengthen intra-Africa trade and integrate Africa into regional and internatio­nal value chains; and boost competitiv­eness and value creation in Africa by expanding the supply of business services to maximise impact on the performanc­e of industries.

To achieve these goals, the AfDB strategy aims to strengthen five enablers for industrial­isation.

These are supportive policy, legislativ­e and institutio­nal environmen­t; conducive economic environmen­t and infrastruc­ture; access to capital; access to markets; and competitiv­e talents, capabiliti­es, and entreprene­urship.

The SADC Secretaria­t, with the support of the Developmen­t Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has engaged the economic developmen­t institute of the Southern African Research and Documentat­ion Centre (SARDC) to carry out an assessment of results achieved by the RIDMP Short Term Action Plan (STAP) 2012-2017.

The secretaria­t, in partnershi­p with AfDB, DBSA, and NEPAD, organised a meeting of technical experts from member states to discuss the preparatio­n of a priority list of infrastruc­ture projects for the region. - SADC Today. Read full article on

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