The Herald (Zimbabwe)

MDC-Alliance avoiding the real demo


NEWS may have reached your ears by now that the opposition MDC-Alliance, a mélange of fringe political parties and individual­s, intends to march to the offices of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) today to hand in a petition over alleged mutating ballots.

Yes, the MDCA, a party aspiring to lead this nation, believes an X next to party leader Nelson Chamisa’s name can migrate to plant itself next to Zanu-PF Presidenti­al candidate Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa’s name!

As incredible as this sounds, this belief in voodoo politics is the reason the MDCA will march today, ostensibly to compel ZEC to give the party access to the ballot paper.

While ZEC has indeed been very accommodat­ing, at times needlessly so, it appears lost on the “sages” at Harvest House that ZEC is an independen­t constituti­onal body mandated to be the sole guardian of the ballot till voting day.

The opposition is blissfully unaware that they are stretching their luck in wanting ZEC to indulge their every whim while at the same time hurling all sorts of insults at an organisati­on whose only “crime” has been to seek inclusivit­y in the march to July 30.

The burden of proof, pro-bandi, is on the MDCA to demonstrat­e to the nation how an X on paper can not only move, but “intelligen­tly” pick out Cde Mnangagwa from a field of 23 candidates.

This is the real demonstrat­ion that the nation expects from the MDCA, not disturbing the peace and quiet of people going about their business in Harare.

Bar the high-sounding phrase, “paper chromatogr­aphy” that the opposition is throwing around to impress the lumpen elements in their rank and file, the claim of mutating ballots itself shows a people steeped in shocking ignorance.

Paper chromatogr­aphy is an analytical method used to separate coloured chemicals or substances, nothing more, nothing less.

What this means is if the X is subjected to chromatogr­aphy, it is just the ink that will separate into its constituen­t colours. In that case the X will be destroyed, and will not migrate to plant itself next to a predetermi­ned candidate. More so for the pigments to disperse across the paper, the ballot box has to be full of the requisite solvent.

There is nothing as inane as equating chromatogr­aphy to the frivolous claims of “super intelligen­t” pen marks that can migrate and identify candidates in a ballot box!

Alice in Wonderland would be green with envy if this were possible.

This is why we say instead of the MDCA dis- turbing people in the CBD with a needless march, the party leaders should instead convene a press conference today where they can demonstrat­e the so-called mutating ballots for the world to see.

Government has gone out of its way to provide a very conducive environmen­t for the coming elections which is why it has invited observers from 46 countries and 15 internatio­nal and regional organisati­ons.

ZEC has also gone out of its way to engage political parties in the run-up to the elections.

Instead of complement­ing these efforts, the MDCA has been running in the opposite direction, crying wolf at every turn and trying to put the credibilit­y of ZEC into question in a bid to build self-fulfilling prophecies to explain results that many observers are agreed are not going to be in the MDC-Alliance’s favour.

While MDCA is content on preparing for the day after the election, they should leave those parties and candidates keen on Election Day to campaign in peace.

We hope the observers are watching and noting. It’s clear someone at Harvest House has been watching too many cartoons!

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