The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mexico election: A victory for democracy itself

AMLO’s task now is to do better than previous transition government­s, which have struggled to move beyond their empty rhetorical commitment­s.

- Rupert Knox Correspond­ent

ANDRÉS Manuel López Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has won a landslide victory in Mexico’s presidenti­al elections. He now stands poised to form the country’s first left-wing government for generation­s, and his triumph has stirred great hope - but it comes with enormous challenges.

While AMLO won’t take office until December 1, he has already establishe­d a transition team to start addressing corruption, violence and inequality - the scourges of Mexico’s long and unfinished journey to full democracy.

This includes the grave human rights crisis of the past 10 years, which has seen more than 200 000 killed and 35 000 disappeare­d. It’s a tall order.

Then again, he and his party have already achieved something remarkable by Mexico’s standards: trouncing the political establishm­ent in a vote that seems to have been essentiall­y clean.

There were understand­able concerns that the vote - in which an electorate of 90 million voted for thousands of federal, state and municipal candidates - would be manipulate­d to keep AMLO and his relatively new party, MORENA, out of office.

In the run-up to the vote, more than 130 political candidates were murdered across the country in regions affected by high levels of violence and many journalist­s were attacked.

Mexico’s fraudulent elections, administer­ed by weak electoral authoritie­s, have frequently seen the country’s dominant economic interests and political parties freely bribe, coerce and manipulate voters.

Many political parties have resorted to such tactics, particular­ly in poorer neighbourh­oods highly dependent on the authoritie­s. And the mainstream media, closely allied to dominant political interests, has also frequently played a key role in shaping the political narrative in favour of the status quo.

These practices have frequently subverted the political process, denying authentic popular democratic sovereignt­y and underminin­g any remaining trust in the political system.

Before the vote, it seemed they would be deployed once again to stop a popular left-wing candidate who clearly threatened the status quo. That prospect demanded an intensive monitoring effort - and plenty of people rose to the task.

Determinat­ion wins the day A range of academics and citizen activists in Mexico and abroad duly formed a network to scrutinise the electoral process. The Red Universita­ria y Ciudadana por la Democracia (RUCD) brought together 200 Mexicans and 100 internatio­nal delegates to monitor the voting, and other civic networks also formed to carry out election monitoring on an unpreceden­ted scale.

I myself joined a 25-strong UK delegation of academics, trade unionists and activists from the London-based NGO Justice Mexico Now. The delegates formed 11 small groups with Mexico-based monitors travelling around the states surroundin­g Mexico City to monitor the elections as officially recognised observers.

This act of civil society scrutiny and internatio­nal solidarity added an important preventive dimension to the election process and also focused attention on the risks of fraudulent practices underminin­g the result.

Over the course of polling day, observers witnessed a range of troubling irregulari­ties that demonstrat­ed just how fragile the electoral process is - particular­ly in the poorest neighbourh­oods, many of which are susceptibl­e to the power of political parties and criminal networks.

Yet as the day progressed, it became clear that people were determined to vote.

In the end, turnout was the highest of the democratic era. The patience of citizens determined to exercise their political rights and demand change from their political authoritie­s was palpable and inspiring.

As the ballots closed, the observatio­n groups monitored the initial count at diverse polling stations, watching votes pile up for AMLO and MORENA even in some of the wealthier neighbourh­oods of Mexico City. By early evening, the PRI and PAN candidates had little choice but to concede.

Late in the night, AMLO held his victory celebratio­ns in Mexico’s central square to a huge crowd, euphoric at the possibilit­y of a new dawn and an end to the old political system.

AMLO’s task now is to do better than previous transition government­s, which have struggled to move beyond their empty rhetorical commitment­s.

The problems are obvious: Trump next door, trade policy in chaos, a sluggish domestic economy, and multiple violent actors determined to pursue their interests at any costs.

But the hunger for change manifested at the polls provides a vital impetus for the government as it begins to overcome Mexico’s vested interests and democratic deficits - and tries to set an example for the rest of the Americas. - theconvers­ation. com

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