The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF retains Mutoko North seat

- Victor Maphosa in MUTOKO

ZANU-PF overwhelmi­ngly won the Mutoko North by-election held on Saturday, reaffirmin­g the ruling party’s popularity as shown by the July 30 harmonised elections where it scored more than two thirds majority in Parliament.

The ruling party’s Cde Rambidzai Nyabote trounced his rivals by posting 11 141 votes, while his closest rival, Mr Boniface Mushore of MDC-Alliance, managed only 1 329, with Mr Edson Mugoma of NCA a distant third with 94 votes.

The seat fell vacant after Cde Mabel Chinomona was elected Senate President recently.

In the July 30 harmonised elections, Cde Chinomona garnered 16 902 votes, while Mr Mushore, who contested on the MDC Alliance ticket, got 3 151 votes and Mr Shamu Kativu of FreeZim Congress got 262 votes.

Zanu-PF national spokespers­on Cde Simon Khaya Moyo welcomed the win by Cde Nyabote, saying the victory reaffirmed the party’s popularity across the country.

“The resounding victory in Mutoko North constituen­cy by Zanu-PF indicates we are the people’s party with a large following across the country and people of Mutoko have reaffirmed that position,” he said.

“The people have told the whole world that Zanu-PF is still a party of

the people, we are the most trusted party.”

Cde Khaya Moyo congratula­ted Cde Nyabote and the Mutoko North people for a clean sweep.

He said the people voted for Zanu-PF because they know for a fact that it is the only party with the people at heart and sound policies.

“We congratula­te the Mutoko people and Zanu-PF supporters for that victory,” said Cde Khaya Moyo.

“People voted for Zanu-PF because it is the only party with clear policies and programmes which are people-centred. We are the hope for the entire nation.”

Cde Khaya Moyo commended party supporters for voting peacefully and remaining principled, focused and united throughout the by-election.

In an interview with The Herald soon after the announceme­nt of the results, Cde Nyabote paid tribute to the people of Mutoko for voting for him.

He hailed the peaceful manner in which the by-election was conducted, saying it was evidence of the political maturity of the people in the constituen­cy.

“I am humbled by the confidence that the people of Mutoko North have in me,” he said.

“I want to thank all the Zanu-PF supporters who came in their numbers to vote for me. I am saying to you thank you for voting for developmen­t and for lifting the party’s flag high again.

“Let me commend also everyone who came out to vote for being peaceful. No violence was reported in all our wards. This shows that there is political tolerance and maturity across the political divide, this is the level of maturity that will drive the wheels of developmen­t in this constituen­cy and province.”

Cde Nyabote said he will strive to develop Mutoko North using all the natural resources that are abundant in the constituen­cy.

He said he would practice servant leadership which President Mnangagwa has been advocating for.

“I will work hard to uplift the standard of living for the Mutoko North community,” said Cde Nyabote.

“This is one of the richest constituen­cies in the province and I will utilise all the resources available to transform everyone’s lives.

“Now that the by-election is over, it is time for developmen­t to take centre stage, and to the Mutoko North people, you will not be disappoint­ed. We will work together and build the community that we want, a community that we will be proud of.”

Cde Nyabote urged Zanu-PF supporters to remain united and support President Mnangagwa and his new administra­tion in fulfilling Vision 2030.

“As Zanu-PF, let us remain united and patriotic, let us work hard and rally behind our leaders, our President and the new administra­tion in realising the Vision 2030 goal,” he said.

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Cde Nyabote

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