The Herald (Zimbabwe)

50 survive bus accident

- Walter Mswazi Masvingo Correspond­ent

FIFTY-THREE people cheated death when the Inter-Africa bus they were travelling in experience­d brake failure, veered off the road and overturned as the driver attempted to stop at a police roadblock at the 10km peg along the Masvingo-Zvishavane road around midday on Wednesday last week.

Masvingo police spokespers­on Chief Inspector Charity Mazula said the accident occurred near Somerton resettleme­nt area around 11am and a few passengers escaped with minor injuries.

She said the bus was travelling from Zvishavane to Masvingo.

“I can confirm that there was an accident which occurred at 10km peg along Masvingo-Zvishavane road involving Inter Africa bus. No one died but some passengers escaped with minor injuries.

“However, we are yet to ascertain the total number of the injured,” said Chief Insp Mazula.

Our news crew found three injured passengers when it visited the accident scene.

According to the bus conductor identified only as Tavonga, the driver was slowing down intending to stop at a police roadblock when the brakes failed.

“Upon arriving near a roadblock the driver slowed down, preparing to stop but unfortunat­ely the brakes failed. When he realised that they had failed he swerved to avoid hitting a Nissan Navara vehicle which was travelling in the same direction.

“As a result the bus veered off the road and overturned once, landing on its right side. It also hit the back of the private car,” said Mr Tavonga.

He said three women were injured while a few others received some knocks and were rushed to Masvingo General Hospital for treatment.

The accident comes a few days after seven people were killed when a Gweru-bound Nisaan Caravan (commuter omnibus) carrying 23 passengers overturned at 35km peg along the same road.

According to the police, a total of 111 people died in separate road traffic accidents between 15 and 30 December last year, a decline from 120 in 2017.

National police spokespers­on Senior Assistant Commission­er Charity Charamba recently said the country recorded 1 590 accidents this year, an increase from 1 405 during the same period last year.

“A total of 111 people have lost their lives in the traffic accidents recorded between December 15 and 30, 2018 compared to 120 last year while 1 590 road traffic accidents have been recorded compared to 1 405 during the same period last year.

“The total number of fatal accidents recorded this year is 81 compared to 97 last year while the number of people injured this year is 664 compared to 675 during the same period last year,” said Snr Asst Comm Charamba.

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Chief Inspector Mazula
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