The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Environmen­tal, Social and Governance Criteria: Summary Highlights


RESPONSIBL­E investing is widely understood as the integratio­n of environmen­tal, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment processes and decision-making.

factors cover a wide spectrum of issues ESG that traditiona­lly are not part of financial analysis yet may have financial relevance.

This might include how good corporates are with water management, how effective their health and safety policies are in the protection against accidents, how they treat their workers and whether they have a corporate culture that builds trust and fosters innovation.

There are several different categories of sustainabl­e investing. They include impact investing, socially responsibl­e investing (SRI),

and value-based investing. ESG Another school of thought puts under ESG the umbrella term of SRI. Under are ethical SRI investing, investing and impact investing. ESG This is an umbrella term for investment­s that seek positive returns and long-term impact on society, the environmen­t and the performanc­e of the business. issues are often ESG interlinke­d and it can be challengin­g to classify an issue as only an environmen­tal, social, ESG or governance issue.

The growing trend of seeking out both financial and social returns is being driven in part by Millennial­s who want to align their investment­s with their personal values. The most commonly used methods for bringing considerat­ions ESG into investors’ decision-making process are:

Exclusiona­ry screening / negative screening Best-in-class selection Thematic investing Active ownership Impact investing As a regulator, we encourage all companies to take positive and effective environmen­tal, social and governance actions that are consistent with shareholde­r interests. Companies that incorporat­e factors into their long-term ESG strategic planning and communicat­e that fact to investors, provide a complete picture of their prospectiv­e value.

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