The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Boost for Harare Hospital

- Talent Chimutambg­i Herald Reporter

HARARE Central Hospital last week got a big boost from Southerton Constituen­cy Developmen­t Trust (SCDT) which donated building materials worth thousands of dollars to as part of humanitari­an work.

The building materials which comprise of bags of cement, gravel, pit and river sand, will be used in the refurbishm­ent of the drainage system ahead of the start of the rainy season.

The hospital’s director of operations Mr Peter Gwata confirmed receipt of the materials and expressed the hospital’s appreciati­on to the trust for the timely interventi­on.

Mr Gwata said the renovation of the drainage system will prevent rain water from spilling into the paediatric ward as was the case last year.

“Its true we have received cement from the trust for the renovation of the drainage system, and we are very grateful for the gesture,” said Mr Gwata. “We sincerely urge the trust to do more since there is still a lot that needs to be done,” he said.

SCDT chairperso­n Cde Andrew Makahamadz­e, who is the shadow member of parliament for Southerton constituen­cy, said he was touched by the situation that he saw last year and the trust decided to do something about the situation.

“As a trust we were touched by the way running water spilled into the wards last year owing to poor drainage system, hence we came up with plans to bankroll the refurbishm­ent of the drainage system at the hospital as the rainy season is now around the corner,” said Cde Makahamadz­e.

He pledged to continue assisting the hospital in line with President Mnagagwa’s vision of ensuring an upper middle income economy by 2030.

“We want this institutio­n to be a state-ofthe-art in tandem with our President’s vision of achieving an upper middle income economy by 2030, and in support of our Mother the First Lady Amai Auxilia Mnangagwa who is the hospital’s patron,” he said.

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