The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Thrills, spills in Zanu-PF Harare elections

- Joseph Madzimure and Natasha Kokai

ZANU-PF District Coordinati­ng Committee (DCC) elections for Harare ended yesterday with some former provincial executive members emerging victorious .

Notables who won the elections include former Zanu-PF Harare provincial chairman Cde Godwills Masimiremb­wa, former provincial youth chairman Godwin Gomwe, Ephraim Fundukwa, Kudakwashe Damson, Rosemary Bwititi, broadcaste­r Robson Mhandu, Betty Kaseke and businessma­n Gilbert Muponda.

Cde Masimiremb­wa won the Zone 4 chairmansh­ip after garnering 475 votes against Cde Stalin Mau-Mau’s 252. Cde Gomwe landed the Zone 2 chairmansh­ip after getting 1 270 votes against Cde Martin Mambo’s 490.

Cde Fundukwa pulled off the biggest surprise of the day after his 2 163 votes propelled him to the chairmansh­ip of Zone 6 ahead of Cde Tongai Mnangagwa, who managed 1 652.

Other chairmen are Cdes Damson (Zone 5), Mafuratidz­e Goodwell (Zone 1) and Chiminhi George (Zone 3).

Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Victor Matemadand­a hailed the election results and urged members to put the interests of the party ahead of their own. Addressing those who took part in the exercise yesterday, Cde Matemadand­a said: “Those elected into positions should take it as an assignment to coordinate, drive the party policy and ideology to the people. Of late DCCs were used by some members as a money-making machine through imposing

◆ From Page 1 candidates who pay bribes to get either Parliament or council positions.

“No one owns a person. Stop the imposition of candidates. The upper organ of the party is superior than the lower organ. The majority is superior than the minority, so you should be not caught off guard. Zanu-PF is a people’s party, so those elected should be driven by the will to save the people and be loyal to the President and the party,” said Cde Matemadand­a.

He said the party used the democratic process to ensure it comes up with the right candidates.

Cde Matemadand­a urged those who were disqualifi­ed to do a self-introspect­ion or to approach his office for clarificat­ion.

He said Zanu-PF was a democratic party which believed in holding elections.

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu-PF secretary for Security Cde Lovemore Matuke said DCC elections were meant to strengthen the party.

“The setting up of DCCs will coordinate party programmes from cell to provincial level. They are not meant to create factionali­sm. Factionali­sm has no room in the New Dispensati­on. Members should be driven by the party ideology and policy.

“We want developmen­t in Harare. We should stop sloganeeri­ng, but put more focus on developmen­t for the betterment of the people,” he said.

He urged party members in other provinces stop canvassing support for DCC elections before getting instructio­ns do so by the party.

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