The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Anti-sanctions march: VP warns infiltrato­rs


GOVERNMENT is aware of clandestin­e plans by rogue opposition activists and the civil society to infiltrate and capitalise on the anti-sanctions campaign scheduled for October 25 to engage in criminal activities, Vice-President Mohadi has said.

Speaking during a Zanu-PF rally at Stanley Square in Bulawayo’s Makokoba suburb yesterday, VP Mohadi said police will be deployed in numbers to maintain law and order and ensure public safety during the march.

“As Government, we have got informatio­n that there are covert plans by some members from the opposition and the civil society who want to take advantage and infiltrate. In fact, they want to engage in acts of violence and looting shops like what happened in January. It is therefore important for police to be ready and they should be out in full force to deal with such elements,” he said.

Sadc has declared October 25 as the solidarity day against illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and resolved to conduct various activities in their respective countries on the day to resounding­ly call for the immediate removal of the sanctions.

Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Victor Matemadand­a said the party has lined up a number of programmes to accommodat­e all political parties.

VP Mohadi said the United States, the UK and their allies imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe because of the land reform programme.

“We took back our land because it is our wealth. The land is the anchor of our nationhood and that is why we repossesse­d our land, which is why the British decided to impose sanctions against us,” he said.

“As long we are still there as your leaders, we will overcome the sanctions because we liberated this country without any help from the West. I therefore urge the people of Zimbabwe to be patient because I know we have so many doubting Thomases. We are going to turn around this economy whether they like it or not on our own volition.”

VP Mohadi said the Government has started engaging and re-engaging other countries to drive the economy in line with President Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030 of achieving an upper middle-income status.

“Things are going to change economical­ly because through our re-engagement and engagement efforts we are raking in billions through foreign investment­s hence we want every citizen to live a better life by 2030. We want our per capita to be at least US$1 000 or more a month and we are going to do that. We have got all the plans in place to achieve that,” he said.

VP Mohadi said the Government anticipate­s to rake in US$12 billion from the mining sector in the next four years.

He said the Government is aware of the plight of citizens and efforts were underway to address economic challenges.

He urged Zimbabwean­s to unite and shun tribalism, saying Zimbabwe is a unitary State under one flag and National Anthem.

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