The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF to host breakfast meeting in Mutare

- Joseph Madzimure and Yeukai Tazira

ZANU- PF will hold a breakfast meeting in Mutare tomorrow to consult the business community and other stakeholde­rs on how the Indigenisa­tion and Economic Empowermen­t Act should be replaced with a better Economic Empowermen­t Act as Zimbabwe moves to attract foreign direct investment, Secretary for Indigenisa­tion and Economic Empowermen­t Dr Mike Bimha has said.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Bimha said the party is soliciting views of the business community and various stakeholde­rs in Mutare that will feed into the economic policy that must link with Government’s Vision 2030 agenda.

“What we are having in Mutare tomorrow is a business breakfast meeting, targeted at the Mutare community. We want to ensure the business community and other stakeholde­rs make their input towards the realignmen­t of the indigenisa­tion law.

“We are targeting small and big companies, start-ups, indigenous, multinatio­nals, the whole setup of enterprise­s we are open to hearing their views. We also want to hear the views of women in business, youth in business and other groupings within our society,” said Dr Bimha.

Dr Bimha said a lot of work has already been done in terms of consultati­ons, what they need now is to concretise the economic empowermen­t policy and be able to push it through levels that determine its approval.

“We want the indigenisa­tion law to be replaced by a more ‘business-friendly’ Economic Empowermen­t Act,” he said.

More than 200 delegates are expected to attend the breakfast meeting.

Dr Bimha said: “We are talking about a middle income economy by 2030. As things change in the environmen­t there is need to revise our policy and make sure that it is more attractive to investors.

“Subsequent­ly, the Indigenisa­tion and Economic Empowermen­t Act will be repealed and replaced by the Economic

Empowermen­t Act, which will be consistent with the current thrust ‘Zimbabwe is Open for Business’.”

He added that the Indigenisa­tion and Economic Empowermen­t Act worked to discourage and alienate much-needed FDI and investment as the way it was implemente­d threatened business.

He said that Zanu-PF has to spearhead policy formulatio­n.

“Because the party is the one that goes to the people and asks for their mandate. The same goes with the President, he goes out with a manifesto and sells himself and the party to the electorate and the electorate then elects the leadership based on what they think they benefit from their policies.

“Then a Government is formed from the party that wins therefore the party is supreme to Government. The people who are actually in Government are people who are seconded by the party. So the party has an important role to make sure they formulate policy which Government can also adopt or use in making legislatio­n,” he said.

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Dr Bimha

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