The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Politician urges parties to embrace dialogue

- Yeukai Tazira Herald Reporter

THE Republic Party of Zimbabwe (RPZ) has called on all political parties to embrace the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) in a bid to develop the country.

Polad is a platform created by President Mnangagwa to explore avenues of resolving the challenges facing the country.

RPZ president Mr Kwanele Hlabangana told The Herald yesterday that it was important for all political parties to embrace dialogue and move Zimbabwe forward.

“We will work with very organ of the State without compromisi­ng the rights of our people. Our role in the current state of our country is to engage anyone in a reasonable manner with the objective of moving our country forward,” he said. “The current economic situation is because of failure by some political actors to put Zimbabwe first.

“We believe that dialogue is important, so let us dialogue as national leaders for the benefit of our country. No leader is important than the other.”

Mr Hlabangana is optimistic that his party will win the presidenti­al polls in 2023.

He said the RPZ wants to transform the citizens’ lives once elected into office.

“We are proud that by the time we get into Government we will be judged by our performanc­e based on the rule of law, improving the lifestyle in our country and the roadmap for the desired results as explicitly laid out in our manifesto,” he said.

The RPZ is an independen­t political entity registered in terms of the country’s laws.

It seeks to be the embodiment of Zimbabwean­s wishes: developmen­t, social change and righteousn­ess.

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