The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback

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@ HeraldZimb­abwe

Response to “Harare City Council nurses down tools” This is a very disturbing issue. We expect nurses to put their grievances aside and save lives first. At the end of the day, it is the patients who are affected and not the “targets” of their actions. This affects patients who have chronic diseases, on anti-retroviral treatment and those who need treatment in general. Bear with us on this one, your job comes first and other issues follow. That is what human ethics entail. Imagine an 80-year-old patient sitting in the sun waiting for you the whole day, that is unfair. — @ Chofamba.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Act swiftly on

exam leakages”

Every year we have to expect an exam leak, and this is not funny. What are the people at ZIMSEC doing really? They are the ones who leak the papers because they have direct access. They have to reshuffle their management for the better. We thought this year would be a different one, but the same has happened. — Vincent.

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Response to “Govt urged to prioritise disaster preparedne­ss”

This is very true. Government has to set aside funds that will help the country when a natural disaster occurs. Had there been funds when Cyclone Idai hit, I’m sure some would have been helped. We do not have to wait for well-wishers to rescue us from the situation; we can start by helping ourselves. It all begins with us as a country. — Muneiwa.

Response to “Midlands seeks to

put 80 150ha under maize” These are developmen­t stories that we want. If we venture into maize farming, then we are sure that we curb hunger at the grassroots. The economic situation is not very accommodat­ing so adequate harvests will ensure that we never go hungry. Thanks to the Command Agricultur­e Programme and the Presidenti­al Input Scheme. — Hupenyu.

Response to “Editorial Comment: Councils must back Govt

efforts to achieve more”

The truth is opposition in this country still is confrontat­ional and disrespect­ful of Government. Urban councils are not cooperatin­g with Government because they think it is the right way to go, but they find themselves with no options as they are clueless on running council business. If it wasn’t the case, what would be the logical reason why Chamisa and company cannot join other political players in POLAD and try to work through the country’s problems? — Masaisai.

Response to “Govt meets civil

servants today”

We hope Government and civil servants will reach a common ground. The consequenc­es of their actions are affecting our children at schools and patients in hospitals. — James.


Response to “Harare switching

to cleaner raw water”

I hope this will ensure that we are not affected with water shortages and dirty water.

Also water-borne diseases will be reduced with the provision of clean and safe water. At least Harare City Council has done something for us as a country. — Chidembo.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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