The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- @ HeraldZimb­abwe

Response to Editorial Comment: “Stolen Identities Show Need for Prudence.”

I found your comment very insightful. This is because much of the recent publicity was suggesting financial services and digital platforms had been “hacked”, when the real fraud has been more around false impersonat­ion resulting in unsuspecti­ng members of the public being conned.

Unfortunat­ely, the unsuspecti­ng victims would voluntaril­y sent or transfer money to the fraudsters’ accounts, without first checking their veracity, which is why your call for public prudence is to be commended.

The recent reports actually show that the weakness is not with EcoCash or the banking systems. The huge figures reported cannot have been moved on the EcoCash platform, which now has transfer limits. And, in any case, EcoCash has publicly come out saying its systems are secure and have not been hacked or compromise­d.

The problem, like your comment pointed out, are the criminals — the bad actors out there — that are pouncing on unsuspecti­ng customers and citizens, and taking advantage of the lack of vigilance and prudence among some of them.

After your Comment, they should now not say they have not been warned. — Concerned Digital User.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Regional allies saluted in attaining Independen­ce”

Thank you very much our neighbours, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania and Botswana for your valuable contributi­on on our attainment of independen­ce. Your contributi­on will be greatly appreciate­d at all times. We are what we are because of your contributi­ons and help that you rendered during the liberation struggle. Our relations date back to the time of the war. We have come a long way with your support. People also need to thank our fallen and living heroes and heroines who made supreme sacrifices to be what we are. Innocent blood was lost during the war. — Tendai Masiiwa.

Responses to “Nakamba rescues schoolchil­dren”

Well done Nakamba. You have indeed set a good example for others to follow. Education is the key to success. Your assistance will be greatly appreciate­d. Getting such an opportunit­y is uncommon and hope the students will utilise the opportunit­ies to their maximum. Keep on doing the great work. — Kukue Haripo.

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Responses to “No independen­ce exeat for boarders”

A good move by the Ministry. If the exeat was allowed, their movement from school to home and back could have been a super spreader of Covid-19 if caution is thrown to the wind. Police are urged to be on the guard and should not let it down so that there is no spike of the pandemic during this Independen­ce holiday as people would be enjoying themselves. Strict health regulation­s and guidelines should be closely implemente­d and monitored fully. People need to prepare for a risk-free Independen­ce holiday. — Harvey.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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