The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Pros, cons of maize

- Miriam Kwari

Your Health Your Wealth

HELLO friends. I welcome you all again to another edition of “your health is your wealth” with me, your favourite herbalist Nyasha. Today I have got quite a meaty discussion prepared for you. As always I urge you to give me a call so that we can talk Graviola, herbs and ensuring that you are building the healthiest version of yourself through your food.

Mealie meal

Also known as maize corn is one of the world’s most popular cereal grains. It’s the seed of a plant in the grass family, native to Central America but grown in countless varieties worldwide. Popcorn and sweet corn are popular varieties, but refined corn products are also widely consumed, frequently as ingredient­s in processed food.

Maize offers a wide range of health benefits as it has so many minerals and other nutrients in it. It can be used to prevent haemorrhoi­ds as the fibre content in corn bulks up the stool and makes it move out of the body regularly. It is used to promote growth and can even help you gain weight.

It is rich in all the minerals your body needs, including selenium which is often hard to find in other food sources. Maize is known for its ability to help prevent cancer as it is rich in antioxidan­ts like vitamin E and phytochemi­cals. It can protect your heart because it lowers the amount of bad cholestero­l in your blood stream.

What are some of the benefits of maize?

It prevents haemorrhoi­ds

Maize has 18,4 percent of the daily recommende­d dosage of fibre, which means that it is good for your bowel movements. It can help you with various digestive problems like constipati­on and haemorrhoi­ds, and can also protect you from getting colon cancer. Fibre is good for your bowel movements because it bulks up your stool and facilitate­s its movement down the digestive tract. As a result, it is also good for diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome.

It promotes growth

Maize has high amounts of vitamin B constituen­ts, thiamine and niacin, which is good for facilitati­ng growth. Thiamine helps your body improve nerve health and cognitive functions while niacin can prevent a series of problems like dementia and dermatitis. Maize is also known for having high amounts of folic acid and is therefore good for pregnant women. Since maize is rich in Vitamin E, which is a natural source of antioxidan­ts, it protects the body from various illnesses, helping you grow without the hindrance of disease.

It helps you gain weight

Maize contains a high amount of calories. As a result, it is used to gain weight quickly. This grain can be used in agricultur­al nations as it can grow in almost any type of conditions

It prevents cancer

Maize is also known for preventing cancer. It is a good source of antioxidan­ts. Antioxidan­ts are extremely important as they get rid of the free radicals in your system. The build-up of free radicals is what often leads to cancer. Furthermor­e, corn is also known for the ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, and leaving the health cells unaffected. It also contains phytochemi­cals, which are also a good source of antioxidan­ts.

It’s good for the eyes and skin Eating yellow maize can provide your body with a ton of beta-carotene, which is what produces vitamin A in your body. This is extremely good for your eyesight and your skin in general. Beta-carotene also has high amounts of antioxidan­ts that can prevent cancers and heart disease. Since vitamin A can be toxic if ingested in high amounts, its best to get your vitamin A through the beta-carotenes in your body.

It controls diabetes

Diabetes is a deadly disease that cannot be cured, only controlled. This is why keeping an eye on your diet can be extremely important if you have diabetes. Maize contains a healthy amount of phytochemi­cals. Due to this, you can regulate the insulin present in your blood. This can help you control the rise and drop of sugar in your body, and therefore control your diabetes as well.

Well too much of anything is never really good for you even if it tastes like absolute heaven. Some of the negative effects include:

Maize has extremely high amounts of fatty acids and therefore should be consumed with caution. People who are generally at risk of heart diseases should not eat food that is cooked in maize oil as it can accelerate the problems in them.

Maize syrup is considered worse than sugar and is identified as a leading cause of obesity in many nations. It can also negatively impact the levels of sugar in your blood and put you at risk for type 2 diabetes. Maize syrup should ideally be avoided at any cost.

If you have sensitive skin, or are prone to allergies, consult with a doctor before adding maize to your meals. On a general note, it is always better to speak to a physician before adding anything new to your diet or lifestyle.

Well there you have it folks, please make sure you consume food responsibl­y to ensure you maintain a good and healthy diet

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