The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Don’t believe what you read in Western media about China

- Jerry Grey Full article on:

HOW many times have you picked up a newspaper and read something on a topic you’re familiar with and realised that you’re reading something which isn’t true? Annoyingly, it happens to us all.

When the news reports something we know is untrue and then reports on something we don’t know about, why do we believe that must be true?

Well, it’s a real thing and Michael Crichton, the famous doctor, writer, scientist movie maker among many other things, gave it a name — the Gell-Mann Effect.

I’ve said it before and will no doubt say it again, when I arrived in China, I had a very different perspectiv­e on what I was seeing to what I thought I knew about China. It really didn’t take me long to understand much of it was wrong; probably about 24 hours.

What I was seeing in real life didn’t matter at that time because my media consumptio­n was telling me China was slowing, China was collapsing, China was a bad place to be and it must have been true because even the BBC said so. But… China didn’t collapse when they said it would.

As my years of living in China extended, I started to notice things: China said it would build a bridge to Hong Kong, they said they would put two high speed train stations into the city where I lived, they said they would build a new university and another hospital in downtown and I’ve seen many government­s promise to do things like this; but then China actually went and did them all.

In the UK, back in 2013, I read about a highspeed rail link that will be completed by 2045 and, if it ever finishes, it will be a total of 530 kilometres. Most of it is still being planned and much of it is still unapproved by Parliament it might be finished in 2045… We shall see! China, while in the process of a reported collapse, has put 4,100 km of new railway lines into operation across China in 2022, including 2 082 km of high-speed tracks.

Australia’s Western Sydney was promised a new Airport in 1946, yet the work finally started in 2022 and it’s scheduled to be completed in 2026. China opens an average of eight new airports a year, while reportedly collapsing.

Why is my news telling me one thing, when my ears and eyes are showing me something completely different?

I also noticed that the standard of living has improved. When I came here, almost no one had a car, now almost everyone does.

Corruption, pollution, and crime are almost non-existent. Education, health, and the economy have all improved and yet, everything I read in the news about China says the opposite.

I witnessed how life in China has improved, it was clear that people in the West were being misinforme­d about this one topic that I actually know about. But I still wanted to believe the rest of the things I read were true — that was the Gell-Mann Effect.

I started to question the things I don’t know about. Why are Australian­s sure that China is a threat when China has never uttered a threatenin­g word against Australia?

Why do people think China is waging a trade war on Australia when Australia was the country that had almost 100 items of trade from China blocked before anything happened with Barley, coal, lobsters and wine? Go look it up, it’s true.

What’s going on in Ukraine and why can’t I easily find informatio­n from both sides of this conflict?

Why did the US invade Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destructio­n there but that was their reason for doing so?

It’s simple, we’re being misinforme­d about almost everything we’re reading, hearing and watching in Western media. From time to time, we know we’re being misinforme­d but we continue to believe it when we don’t know. That’s the Gell-Mann Effect in action. We want to believe something is true when we want it to be so.— Global Times

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