The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Couple faces public flogging in Saudi Arabia

- Knowledgec­

The Herald, May 24, 1979

A RHODESIAN-EDUCATED surgeon and his wife could face a public flogging for breaking the strict no-alcohol laws in Saudi Arabia.

Mr Richard Arnot (35) and his wife Penelope were thrown into jail by Saudi police after an illegal drinking party that ended in a double tragedy, with a young British nurse and a Dutch constructi­on worker falling to their deaths from a fifthfloor window.

According to informatio­n from Jeddah, Saudi police have ruled out any serious crime involving the deaths of Helen Smith (23) and the young Dutchman.

But the Arnots, at whose flat the party was held, could still face charges under the anti-drinking laws. If guilty their punishment could be public flogging or long-term imprisonme­nt.

The British Foreign Office has stepped in to try to retrieve what could be an embarrassi­ng internatio­nal incident, and officials have visited Mr Arnot and his wife in their separate cells.

Mr Arnot, who was born in Malawi and educated in Rhodesia, came to Britain in 1959.

He went to Jeddah last year to take up a $24 000-a-year post as surgeon.


◆ The Arab world and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions are typically categorise­d into one large group, but each Arab country has its own dialects, foods, traditions, and culture. Despite the difference­s among the Arab countries, they share common customs demonstrat­ed in various cultural elements.

◆ ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans Do’. Whenever one visits a place or another country, it is important to learn about the customs in those places and to abide by them to avoid problems.

◆ Excess intake of alcohol can impair one’s judgement and lead to disastrous consequenc­es. In this instance two people who were partying fell to their deaths.

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