The Manica Post

Young Zimbabwean publishes book in Australia

- Catharine Murombedzi

Title: The Wise Youth: Nuggets for a significan­t life

Author: Tinaye Zenenga

Pages: 108

Launch: February 18, 2017

Venue: Best Western Motel, Mill Park, Melbourne, Australia

I NEVER imagined that I could read a book that is not a thriller and fail to put it down. The above book spurs one to read on and keeps the question: What is your purpose in life? As one reads on the question becomes vivid.

Written by a youth who is dedicated to global youths, Tinaye is zealous that youths lead a purposeful life.

He keeps the message alive that the book will help rediscover the reason for your existence and encourage you to rise up and be a wise youth.

He stresses that one has to seek God and pray for wisdom.

We all have a past and Tinaye emphasises that it is a past that should not cloud your present and future. One has to overcome the past. Like most people when young and growing up he thought money was the most important item in life, quoting Oscar Wilde a poet.

Drugs, sex, jobs that pay more, but are not fulfilling make it to the apex.

Young girls sell their bodies for money not fulfilment.

Everything seems motivated by money.

There is one way of getting money and several ways of sustaining it.

He emphasises hard work. Bill Gates, Serena Williams did not just wake up rich. They worked hard to be where they are.

Hard work sustains one making a mark on the world.

The author touches on the thorny issue of tithing.

He takes tithing seriously as an income not expenditur­e. Amazing isn’t it?

Give and it will be given to you. Luke 6 vs 38.

The covenant of financial increase answers to giving.

You can never out, give God for all He has done for you.

If you want to increase your financial base, you have to give.

Tinaye gives thanks to his mother who raised him up correctly.

She never relied on one source of income. She worked full time for an insurance company, meanwhile raising chickens for sale at home.

She is also into baking. She made the author realise the importance of hard work.

Tinaye urges youths to be humble and advance their skills by getting the required qualificat­ions. He urges them to network with people in their area of expertise.

He chides impulse buying. He asks do you really need that item you are buying?

The above touches even on us the older generation. We get into debt due to impulse buying.

Tinaye talks of a spirit of saving. He says save save save, even a small portion one has to save. Profound message from a youth.

Make saving a habit, second nature. Tinaye sees the influence of the media having a bearing on life.

Following celebritie­s way of dressing, imitating the way they live.

He says do not imitate blindly. He sees television influencin­g values commanding attention at the expense of reading culture. Hate is spewed on the television daily and violence is spread too.

Limit the amount of time you spend on the television and be selective on what you watch.

Music has also led to loss of souls. The Internet and the cellphone have done serious damage as some people are now hooked on these.

Do not fall prey to the digital world. Consulting stars and zodiac signs is evil. One’s personalit­y is never formed by stars, however, people who believe in stars repeatedly try to fit in what the star says. The stars are not a bible of life.

Be wise and cut off unnecessar­y media as it pollutes and corrupts your destiny.

Tinaye talks of harmful substances, sexual activities, alcohol and drugs which are not healthy at all. He has a sad moment when a high school friend took his life after having made a girl pregnant at 16. Be discipline­d, not to engage in sex before marriage. God dwells in his body so he keeps it holy.

Tinaye values the sacrifice made by his parents. He makes it a habit to give back to those in need. Tinaye pays university fees for a less fortunate girl back home. He does not have a fortune, but knows the need to give back.

Tinaye is the founder and chairman of NEGEL Enterprise­s, whose vision is to assist the less privileged, particular­ly the girl child in Africa by providing tuition fees from elementary school to university level.

He assists the widowed and homeless and sees the Next Generation bringing hope. Tinaye currently lives in Melbourne, Australia furthering his education.

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Book review
 ??  ?? Tinaye Zenenga
Tinaye Zenenga
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