The Manica Post

Breastfeed­ing in the context of Covid-19


BREASTFEED­ING protects new-borns from getting sick and also helps protect them throughout their infancy and childhood.

Breastfeed­ing is particular­ly effective against infectious diseases because it strengthen­s the immune system by directly transferri­ng antibodies from the mother.

As with all confirmed or suspected Covid-19 cases, mothers with any symptoms who are breastfeed­ing or practicing skin-to-skin contact should take precaution­s.

Actions for breastfeed­ing mothers

◆ Practice respirator­y hygiene, including during feeding. If you have respirator­y symptoms such as being short of breath, use a medical mask when near your child.

◆ Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or sanitiser before and after contact with your child.

◆ Routinely clean and disinfect any surfaces you touch.

◆ If you are severely ill with Covid-19 or suffer from other complicati­ons that prevent you from caring for your infant or continuing direct breastfeed­ing, express milk to safely provide breast milk to your infant.

◆ If you are too unwell to breastfeed or express breast milk, you should explore the possibilit­y of relactatio­n (restarting breastfeed­ing after a gap), wet nursing (another woman breastfeed­ing or caring for your child), or using donor human milk. Which approach to use will depend on cultural context, acceptabil­ity to you, and service availabili­ty.

Actions for health facilities and their staff

If you are providing maternity and new-born services, you should not promote breast milk substitute­s, feeding bottles, teats, pacifiers or dummies in any part of your facilities, or by any of your staff.

Enable mothers and infants to remain together and practice skin-to-skin contact, and rooming-in throughout the day and night, especially straight after birth during establishm­ent of breastfeed­ing, whether or not the mother or child has suspected, probable, or confirmed Covid-19.

Counsellin­g and psychosoci­al support

If you, your infants, or young children have suspected or confirmed Covid-19, seek breastfeed­ing counsellin­g, basic psychosoci­al support, or practical feeding support.

You may get support from appropriat­ely trained health care profession­als and also community-based lay and peer breastfeed­ing counsellor­s.

Standard infant feeding guidelines

◆ Initiate breastfeed­ing within one hour of the birth.

◆Continue exclusive breastfeed­ing for six months, then introduce adequate and safe complement­ary foods at age six months.

◆ Continue breastfeed­ing up to two years of age or beyond. — WHO.

 ?? — Picture: Tinai Nyadzayo ?? Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs, Dr Ellen Gwaradzimb­a (left) receives food and beverages from Dairiboard Holdings marketing director, Mrs Tracey Mutaviri (right), on behalf of Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital. Dairiboard’s donation is part of the $3 million worth of products and $1 million cash pledged towards the Covid-19 fight.
— Picture: Tinai Nyadzayo Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs, Dr Ellen Gwaradzimb­a (left) receives food and beverages from Dairiboard Holdings marketing director, Mrs Tracey Mutaviri (right), on behalf of Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital. Dairiboard’s donation is part of the $3 million worth of products and $1 million cash pledged towards the Covid-19 fight.

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