The Manica Post

‘Covid-19 patient, baby stable’

- Samuel Kadungure Senior Reporter

AUTHORITIE­S at Rusape General Hospital have ruled out separating a mother who tested positive to Covid-19 from her two weeks old baby, saying the new-born needs to breastfeed.

They have also said the asymptomat­ic woman is strictly observing infection prevention control measures to reduce the risk of infecting her baby. Manicaland has recorded eight positive cases of Covid-19 so far, with all of them being returning residents. Makoni District Medical Officer, Dr Tendai Nyafesa told The Manica Post on Wednesday that the woman gave birth through a caesarean section at Gweru Provincial Hospital, before being transferre­d to Rusape.

Dr Nyafesa said the woman in question is in a stable condition and was due for a retest yesterday (Thursday), together with her baby.

“Both the baby and the mother were tested a few days ago and the baby tested negative, while the mother tested positive. The mother is in a stable condition while her baby is doing very well.

“We are going to repeat the tests for both of them on Thursday (yesterday). The baby is fine and breastfeed­ing well and the mother does not have any symptoms.

“We have provided the mother with masks and she is always wearing them as well as observing infection prevention control measures so as to minimise the risk of infecting the baby,” said Dr Nyafesa.

“The baby is only a few days old, she needs to breastfeed.

“So the baby needs to stay with her mother. In addition, according to the literature we have, babies are not being affected by the disease like adults, hence our decision to take this route,” he explained.

The woman tested positive on her return from South Africa where she had visited her husband as well as to purchase clothes for the new baby.

“She visited her husband in South Africa early March and stayed there until May when she managed to travel back home. She was among a group of returnees repatriate­d back into Zimbabwe. She then tested Covid-19 positive and ended up at Gweru

Provincial Hospital, where she gave birth through caesarean section.

“After giving birth, since she is asymptomat­ic she opted for home isolation in Tsanzaguru at her in-laws’ homestead.

“However, upon conducting home assessment to see the place’s suitabilit­y for self-isolation, we concluded that it was not good enough for the patient and her baby.

“We recommende­d that the house and bathroom needs to be touched up a bit before she can stay there in her condition, so for now she is under isolation at Rusape General Hospital,” said Dr Nyafesa.

He also dispelled social media reports that a woman in Castle Base, Rusape, is violating home isolation regulation­s.

“The other lady tested positive a few days ago and we will repeat the tests after seven days to ascertain if she is free from the virus by then.

“We advised her to continue with self-isolation. She came with the two people who are taking care of her and they both tested negative.

“They are observing the infection control measures inside the house so that they do not infect each other,” said Dr Nyafesa.

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