The Manica Post

Whistle-blower facility explained

- By the informant.

THE Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) wishes to inform the public that in an effort to eradicate tax and duty evasion it operates a whistle-blower facility.

Under this facility, ZIMRA rewards legitimate whistle-blowers (informants) on cases relating to tax evasion as guided by Section 34B of the Revenue Authority Act (Chapter 23:11) as read with Statutory Instrument 150 of 2020.

Statutory Instrument 150 of 2020 which was gazetted on 26 June 2020, regulates the payment of rewards to informants upon whistle blowing and recovery of revenue. The reward is calculated at 10 percent of the revenue that is actually paid by the taxpayer to ZIMRA, in settlement of a liability that is establishe­d using the informatio­n supplied

Who can report a case to


Any individual can report a case for the purposes of whistle-blowing except the following:

a. An employee of ZIMRA or its Board members

b. A near relative (as defined in section 34B of the Revenue Authority Act) of a ZIMRA employee or Board member

c. Anyone whose informatio­n was obtained from the persons mentioned in (a) and (b) above.

Informatio­n not eligible for a reward under the whistle-blower facility

a. Already in the public domain at the time it is reported, for example, in the press, on the internet or any other public online domains.

b. Obtained from a government report, hearing, audit or investigat­ion including audits done by or on behalf of the Auditor General.

c. Already in the custody of the ZIMRA Commission­er-General.

d. Obtained by State employees or consultant­s hired by the State or any board member appointed by the State during the course of their official duties.

How to report a case Informatio­n reported for a reward by an eligible person should be done through completion of form RFI 1 which is prescribed in the second schedule to Statutory Instrument 150 of 2020.

Potential informants can obtain further informatio­n by contacting the ZIMRA Whistle-blower Office on the following email address and contact telephone number. whistleblo­ Telephone No. (0242) 750126 Public Notice Number 38 of 2020.

My taxes, My duties: Building my Zimbabwe!

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