The Manica Post

We have achieved most of liberation objectives

- Ranga Mataire Group Political Editor provinces? MM:

CDE Munyaradzi Machacha whose Chimurenga name was George Kashiri was the Liaison Officer at Foxtrot Assembly Point in Buhera, Manicaland. Foxtrot or Dzapasi Assembly Point was the largest gathering point in the country at the time with about 15 000 freedom fighters. Cde Machacha’s main role as the Liaison Officer was to be the linkman between ZANLA forces and the Commonweal­th Monitoring Force (CMF).

The CMF was establishe­d by the British Commonweal­th and had troops from Australia, Fiji, Kenya and New Zealand. The role of the CMF was to keep peace between the Rhodesian forces and Patriotic Front freedom fighters during the run-up to the 1980 general elections, which would establish a new independen­t State. In this interview, our Group Political Editor, Ranga Mataire (RM) spoke to Cde Machacha (MM), who is also the Principal of the Chitepo School of Ideology about the situation at Foxtrot Assembly Point leading up to the elections.

RM: Independen­ce Day is here. What are the immediate emotions that come to your mind as you reflect on the journey the country has travelled from the liberation struggle to April 18, 1980?

MM: Well, the struggle itself was very tough, very demanding process. Quite a number of our young men and women perished as a result of the war. This year’s independen­ce is a reminder that their loss or death was not in vain and that what they fought for has been achieved. Yes, there is still a lot to do in order to complete the liberation struggle objectives, mainly in the economy where we are still struggling to stabilise our currency; to strengthen our economy and put it into an irreversib­le growth trajectory. We are quite confident with the recent measures that have been taken with the announceme­nt of the monetary policy by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor and the decision to back our currency with gold. We hope this time around we have found the winning formula and that those lying in the forests, in valleys, pits — right across the country will surely say their death was not in vain.

RM: This year’s independen­ce commemorat­ion is to be held in Buhera at Murambinda B High School close to Foxtrot Assembly Point. The holding of national events in each the country’s provinces started with the coming in of the New Dispensati­on. Can you comment on this devolving initiative where national events are to held in each of the country’s

Independen­ce is for all of us and not just those in the capital city. Most of the fighting battles were fought in the rural areas and Buhera is one such area where the liberation forces had virtually driven the enemy away. By the end of the liberation war, Buhera had become a semi-liberated area and so those are the people who bore direct brunt of the war. Going to Buhera is our way of recognisin­g their efforts and joining them in celebratin­g our victory is the right thing to do. But this is not just for the people of Buhera. You are aware that this new policy has benefited people in Mashonalan­d Central. The first holding of such celebratio­ns was in Mt Darwin, which was the centre of our war efforts where the struggle started. And now that we are in Manicaland, again another area or province that was at the forefront of the struggle. It makes the people to have a buy-in and feel that this independen­ce is theirs and rejoice tighter in the victory. It helps in keeping the memory of the liberation struggle alive.

RM: What exactly do you think youths of today need to know about the sacrifices you and your comrades made to liberate this country? I say this in the context of some statements being made by some amongst us that there was nothing extraordin­ary that the freedom fighters did that they cannot do today? Others go as far as to praise Rhodesian existence saying Ian Smith was better. MM:

The struggle was not a walk in the park. It was serious, bloody and a very demanding assignment, which the young people of that time had to undertake and made ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independen­ce of Zimbabwe. Those that try to belittle those efforts and think that we can get recolonize­d and then the current generation can liberate us for the second time are merely day dreaming. Zimbabwe is independen­t and shall remain so for eternity.

There should not be any childish day dreaming that they can re-liberate Zimbabwe. But I think they are doing so out of ignorance and also it’s a reflection that our former colonisers are busy playing with the innocent young minds and polluting those minds.

We notice that Rhodesians have regrouped and are peddling their own narratives, painting a rosy image of colonial existence and yet we know that the horrendous atrocities committed against Africans in this country were worse off than Hitler’s genocide against the Jews. We also know that indigenous people of this country were denied access to the

resources, the wealth of the country and were merely paid wages for their labour — wages that were far less than the value of the labour they put into production of their factories, mines and their farms. We also know that it is only after independen­ce that the African people in this country regained their worthy, their labour was now being paid for what it’s worth. Black people started governing themselves after 90 years of colonialis­m. So there is no way you can say Rhodesia was better, it was hell. It was meant for just the few hundreds of thousands of whites.

It is sad to note that our young people are not schooled in these matters. It is one of our responsibi­lities as the Chitepo School of Ideology to reach out to the young people, to reach out to all segments of our society and teach them about our history and the journey we travelled in order to gain our independen­ce.

RM: Can you say with confidence that the ruling ZANU PF has achieved or fulfilled the liberation promises? MM:

Yes, I would say with confidence and without any shadow of doubt that yes indeed we have achieved our objectives. Most of them, if not all of them, have been achieved. One of the objectives was on governing ourselves. That we did achieve in 1980 on April 18. Another objective was to regain our land, restore the land to its rightful people.

That was achieved through the land reform and the land and its people are now reunited and no one can ever take that land away from us again. Another objective was to ensure that there was equality of all races and I think that has been achieved. The fourth objective was that of access to education and health facilities must be on non-racial basis and must be affordable to all. I think we have gone a long way in fulfilling this objective regardless of the fact that sanctions sometimes prohibit central government from acquiring the requisite drugs or medicines that the nation requires.

You can talk of economic developmen­t, bring the economy of the nation into the hands of the people. This we have done through the indigenisa­tion and empowermen­t policies and through deliberate measures designed to makes sure that there is food self-sufficienc­y at household level. Empowering our artisanal miners to mine legally and contribute to the mining sector. All these policies have it possible to bring the black person into mainstream economy and are no longer mere spectators but key players in economic production. So I can say yes, we have achieved quite a lot. Our only challenge is that the country has been under sanctions for the past 20 years. If we had been in a normal environmen­t without sanctions, I am sure we could have achieved even more successes.

RM: You are the Principal of Chitepo School of Ideology and I understand you are in the process of building a campus somewhere in Harare’s CBD. How far have you gone in completing this project? MM:

The project is now 98 percent complete. I can’t say when we are likely to complete it and when are we likely to open.

There are still a few remaining works to be done and naturally it is the President or the Presidium who can set the dates for the opening of the school. However, what I can tell you is that we are almost there. It shouldn’t be a matter of years but perhaps a few months.

RM: Cde Machacha, what qualifies one to enrol at the school? MM:

We are working at entry qualificat­ions. It’s still subject to approval by our superiors but I can tell you that our target would be middle to top leadership in both party and government, parastatal­s and local authoritie­s.

RM: So in other words, your target is not just party cadres? MM:

We are guided by the President’s directives. He has directed that ZANU PF is a heritage for all and that makes Chitepo School of Ideology a heritage for all. It’s a school meant for all citizens of Zimbabwe; to inculcate high consciousn­ess, ideologica­l and political consciousn­ess and also to give people greater insight on our history and the war of liberation.

It also teaches and explains policies being enunciated by the Government in terms of foreign, defence and economic policies. So we are not just targeting ZANU-PF members or supporters.

We target every patriotic Zimbabwean who wishes to widen his or her knowledge about the country. One can enrol at the college regardless of political affiliatio­n, religious beliefs or race.

RM: I understand the Government intends to re-introduce the National Youth Service programme this year to include a culture of service, constructi­ve participat­ion

of youths in nation building by offering them training in various programmes. Will this not clash with the teachings of the Chitepo School of Ideology? MM:

No there won’t be any conflict. We are working together with the Ministry of Youth as we do with all other line ministries and we will be working together in the training that will be taking place under the auspices of the Youth National Training programme.

We are contributi­ng to this training with ideas, with content and we hope that the graduates from the youth training programme will be as conscious as those that will be graduating from the Chitepo School of Ideology. I would like to believe that the graduates that will be churned out from the two institutio­ns will be of equal competence as far as ideologica­l training is concerned.

RM: What is your last word as the nation commemorat­es independen­ce day? MM:

As the Liaison Officer of Foxtrot Assembly point, for me it’s a very joyous occasion. It is a time for reunificat­ion with the people of Buhera and the people of Dzapasi. It is also a time to reflect on those dangerous and tricky times when we assembled and threatened with possible attacks. Some of our cadres were captured on their way to the nearby shops. They were eliminated and thrown into Lake Kyle (Lake Mturikwi) in Masvingo. All those sad memories as well as the pleasant ones when relatives or parents were coming to see their sons and daughters for the first time after the war. Mothers coming with babies that were left as toddlers before the war. It was an emotional and joyous occasion. We carry these memories as we go to Buhera for the independen­ce celebratio­ns.

RM: Briefly explain how it was at the time being in the thick of things as the Liaison Officer at Dzapasi Assembly Point. How did you deal with the mistrust, the anxiety and the suspicion that this ceasefire might not hold? MM:

It was not an easy period. It was a dangerous period in the sense that the Rhodesians were still determined to eliminate our forces and were carrying out ambushes and capturing those who went to shopping centres because we were insisting that no one goes out with their weapons.

They went there unarmed and were captured and eliminated.

RM: Was the Commonweal­th peace keeping force not aware of these eliminatio­ns? MM:

Initially they were not aware. We became aware of it after roll calls, which revealed some of our members were missing. One patriotic young lady in Masvingo noticed that a large number of ZANLA forces were in prison cells in Masvingo alerted by letter to the commanders at Dzapasi who then took action to have them released.

Those that were still in prison were released but obviously others had already been eliminated. It was indeed a dangerous and sad moment of our history.

RM: Cde Machacha thank you so much for granting us this opportunit­y to have a conversati­on with you.

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Cde Machacha

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