The Manica Post

Ghost rattles Nyanyadzi

…Chidhoma Levy introduced

- Ray Bande Senior Reporter

AN apparition — a ghost or ghostlike image of a person — has unsettled villagers in Nyanyadzi area under Chimaniman­i District where its consistent appearance at the business centre has sent tongues wagging.

According to those interviewe­d by this newspaper, the ghost appears around 10pm at an area near the business centre, dressed in a tracksuit bottom with white stripes. It has a feminine voice.

Many of those who went through the nasty and bizarre encounter with the ghost professed that it does not like light.

Headman for the Gudyanga area where Nyanyadzi Business Centre falls under, Fakazi Murombo confirmed receiving “numerous”reports of people who had an encounter with the ghost.

He said they are in the process of gathering resources to exorcise the place.

“It is true. I have received reports of so many people coming across the ghost. There is no doubt that this is happening and many people in the area are now scared to go out at night, especially around the business centre.

“I am reliably informed that the ghost is female. It is normally after men. As we speak, I am actually spearheadi­ng a fundraisin­g initiative to consult a traditiona­l healer.

“The traditiona­l healer will help us cleanse the area, and also allow the deceased person to explain why she is returning from the grave,” he said.

Village head, Isay Chukuchai Rwizi said the fundraisin­g initiative codenamed“Chidhoma Levy” is now underway.

“We are in the process of collecting Chid

Headman Gudyanga homa Levy, whereby each household is expected to pay US$1 towards resources needed to consult a traditiona­l healer to sort out this mess.

“This ghost issue is not folklore as many people have encountere­d it. There is an Inter Africa bus driver who recently confirmed seeing the ghost. He told me that they saw a woman who was franticall­y waving trying to stop the bus. When he stopped, they could not find anyone around the area,” he said.

One local businessma­n who encountere­d the apparition, but chose to speak on condition of anonymity, said:“I met the female ghost as I was going home at night. It accompanie­d me all the way home, a distance of about 300 metres.

“We talked as we walked, but I could not see the face. It was dark, but I could notice the white stripes on the tracksuit. She kept talking about her search for a man. I also kept referring her to the local bars, saying that is where she could get a man.

“The ghost disappeare­d when I was about to open the gate at my place.”

Nyanyadzi socialite, Tawanda Nkoma, widely known in the area as PaHarare, said: “I met the apparition on my way from the shopping centre where we were watching Sunday night’s Aston Villa versus Arsenal match. I suddenly found my face covered by its dress.

“I was in a state of shock. I bolted without minding the direction I was taking, and was only rescued by a guard at one of the shops. I actually spent the night with that guard.”

Ghosts are supernatur­al phenomena that some people believe in and others don’t.

For years, ghosts have haunted business centres, hallways of mansions, castles, and homes.

Sometimes they are said to be the deceased stuck in limbo and have unfinished business on earth. The spirit lingers and torments the living until they are accepted into heaven or hell.

Other theories tell tales of ghosts haunting a particular person or place.

Cursory internet research revealed that there is more than one type of ghosts.

At times it can be a typical floating white bed sheet.

There are poltergeis­ts which are noisier ghosts that tend to torment the living. They often move things around your home and will spook one through subtle movements.

Funnel ghosts and orbs are other types of ghosts. These are associated more so with light and will appear like a ball of light or mist.

There can also be the type of ghost that will look over a loved one.

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