The Manica Post

Managing a business is no child’s play


BLABBER is very business oriented in his approach to things, and this is the reason why Yours Truly is always advising those in positions of authority as well as all those running their income generating projects to make hay while the sun shines.

It is always prudent to spare something for the rainy days ahead because one thing for sure is that there will be challengin­g times in any given business entity.

One needs not to look far afield to notice this truism.

We all know that other popular upmarket watering hole located in the central business district which is normally frequented by the who-is-who in our small, yet beautiful city.

With its picturesqu­e internal designs, air condition and stunning furniture, the ambience is just exquisite.

The name has some Portuguese accent even though in Italian it means cash desk (counter) or cash register.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that the watering hole is now surviving from hand to mouth. In fact, they are buying and selling the wise waters while the wholesaler is waiting for his cash by the counter.

Blabber will not talk about their failure to pay rentals and employee wages. It is sad!

Yours Truly actually feels for the person who was running this entity because he is a gentleman in every sense of the word, and he was not the kind of extravagan­t chaps we often see in town.

If he once bought you a pint of beer, then your ancestors are not sleeping on duty!

This is the reason why Yours Truly is wondering what really went wrong and Blabber will surely unravel the reasons behind this shocking downfall, as usual, gentle reader, you will be first to know.

What is this that we hear about this other drug addict and peddler who once operated a car sale and car washing project in the central business district?

This boy is just a wondering wanderer! Word reaching Yours Truly is that he no longer has that beautiful house that he once owned in one of the city’s leafy suburbs and he is now renting an apartment around the city.

Surely, it is a case of a fool and his money!

I mean that double story building which used to be his home, and that is the same place where he used to accommodat­e an upmarket popular eatery that also went broke.

Blabber recently felt sorry for him when a certain couple forcibly took away his car after he failed to pay back a US$6 000 debt and mark my words, Yours Truly will soon be showing you the video clip of that humiliatin­g incident.

We have always said this, and we will keep repeating it, please stay away from these drugs, they will ruin your life. Those with ears will hear.

I am out!

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