The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Opinion Lost in translatio­n: ZiG currency disconnect­ed with citizens’ needs


BY PhilliP NYasha FuNgurai

It was a sunny April 5when suddenly a dark cloud of déjà vu hovered all over Zimbabwe following the announceme­nt of the new currency, ZiG, by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor, Mushayavan­hu.

Unfortunat­ely, this is the sixth time in the economic history of Zimbabwe, that a new currency has been introduced or restructur­ed without citizens, business and investor consultati­on.

Like the Bourbon monarchy after the French revolution, the Emmerson Mnangagwa administra­tion has learnt nothing and forgotten nothing.

The name “ZiG” itself seems to embody the erratic and unpredicta­ble nature of Zimbabwean politics, resembling the bewilderin­g zig-zag trajectory that the country has experience­d under successive regimes.

Dear John Mushayavan­hu, not Mangudya, listen to the cries of the citizens — heed their pulse.

In his announceme­nt, the RBZ governor noted that the new currency sought to “address exchange rate volatility, curtail inflation, restore macro-economic stability, rebuild market confidence and trust as well as bank policy credibilit­y”.

On the contrary, the new currency has resulted in public fear, despair, panic, outrage, and uncertaint­y.

It is evident that the introducti­on of the ZiG currency is a cause for concern.

The government's failure to address the fundamenta­l issues underlying the country's economic woes, coupled with a lack of transparen­cy, consultati­on, and accountabi­lity, has left many questionin­g the wisdom of this move.

It is imperative that the government takes concrete steps to ensure the stability and value of the ZiG, and to restore the faith of its citizens in the country's economic future.

Anything less would be akin to chasing fool’s gold in a nation already burdened with the consequenc­es of zig-zag politics.

Sadly, the announceme­nt of the ZiG was not preceded by any citizen needs assessment or business and investor consultati­on.

The introducti­on of this new currency seems to be disconnect­ed from the needs and realities of the citizens, signaling a flawed monetary strategy that fails to align with the principles of human rights and economic justice.

Unlike Amos in the Bible, I am not a prophet of doom but rather the pulse and conduit of the community voices.

We are concerned citizens calling to be heard.

From a human rights perspectiv­e, access to a stable and reliable currency is crucial for the realizatio­n of economic and social rights.

The introducti­on of the ZiG currency was meant to instill confidence in the financial system and restore stability to the economy.

However, the lack of transparen­cy and effective communicat­ion regarding the rollout of the new currency has only served to breed mistrust and uncertaint­y among the citizens.

A key principle of human rights is the right to informatio­n and participat­ion.

In the case of the ZiG currency, the lack of clear informatio­n about its implementa­tion and potential impact has left many Zimbabwean­s feeling disempower­ed and unheard.

The currency transition has been marred by confusion and chaos, with reports of halting of online transactio­ns by banks, Ecocash, Econet, ZEDTC and other local service providers.

In addition, the ZiG currency has failed to address the broader structural issues that underpin the economic crisis in Zimbabwe, including corruption, mismanagem­ent, and lack of investment in key sectors such as agricultur­e and infrastruc­ture.

Without addressing these systemic issues, any monetary strategy, including the introducti­on of a new currency, is unlikely to result in meaningful and sustainabl­e change for the people of Zimbabwe.

Ultimately, the ZiG currencies disconnect with the needs and rights of the citizens exemplifie­s the flawed approach to economic management in Zimbabwe.

A genuine commitment to human rights and economic justice must guide any future monetary strategies, with a focus on inclusive and sustainabl­e developmen­t that benefits all Zimbabwean­s.

Failure to do so will only perpetuate the cycle of economic instabilit­y and inequality, leaving the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe to bear the heaviest burden.

In its current state, the new monetary policy and the ZiG has left citizens behind. It resembles another Ponzi scheme perpetuati­ng economic exploitati­on of already suffering masses and citizens.

This is even worsened by the timing in the introducti­on of the currency.

The timing begs the question of whether the government's priorities are truly aligned with the needs of the people.

At a time when Zimbabwe continues to grapple with pressing issues such as poverty, drought, unemployme­nt, and access to basic services, the decision to focus on a new currency raises concerns about misplaced priorities.

It is essential for the government to address the root causes of economic instabilit­y and prioritise the well-being of its citizens, rather than embarking on symbolic gestures that may do little to alleviate the country's deeper economic challenges.

Moving forward, it is essential for the Zimbabwean government to reevaluate its monetary strategy through a human rights lens and by listening to the needs of people.

It is essential for the government to involve civil society, economic experts, and affected communitie­s in the decision-making process.

This includes prioritisi­ng transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and participat­ion in decision-making processes related to economic policies.

This will aid in ensuring that the new currency serves the interests of all Zimbabwean­s, particular­ly those most vulnerable to economic shocks.

Only through a more inclusive and participat­ory approach can Zimbabwe hope to achieve a sustainabl­e and equitable economic future.

The Mnangagwa regime would do well to heed the lessons of history and strive to implement meaningful reforms that will lead to lasting economic stability, rather than repeating the same mistakes of the past.

*Phillip Fungurai is the learning and innovation catalyst at the Zimbabwe Human Rights Associatio­n (ZimRights). Comments to this article can be send to info@

From a human rights perspectiv­e, access to a stable and reliable currency is crucial For the realisatio­n oF economic and social rights

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