The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Tell the truth about seeding


EDITOR — The argument and debate surroundin­g the issue of seeding and sacrificin­g to God in order for Him to bless you is quite interestin­g.

It is one serious debate that has left many people seriously confused as to what really the truth is. But I believe God gave us the answers through his Word, the Bible.

And so as I begin my assessment of this topic let me begin by saying it forthright­ly and straightfo­rwardly that it is a lie that God needs you to sacrifice something in order for him to bless you.

It is a serious and heinous form of daylight robbery from people who are supposed to be protectors and defenders of the poor and troubled.

1 Samuel 15:22 says: “And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”

We read of Saul’s rebellion against God and of God’s response to his excuse. God made it clear that he does not need any sacrifice, but all he needs is total obedience to his Word.

On top of that, God made the last sacrifice for us all by sacrificin­g his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that “whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlastin­g life”.

So, God does not require any form of sacrifice from us, be it in the form of seed money in order for Him to bless us or increase us or promote us.

And any teaching that deviates from this is pure fiction and untrue; a serious lie and fraudulent.

And to top it all, Abraham didn’t sacrifice or seed when he “gave” to God because God wanted something from Him.

God asked for it so that Abraham would show his loyalty and obedience to God.

In addition, the covenant that He made was before Jesus came and was the last sacrifice and covenant between God and man.

Again, to clarify the story of Ananias’ and Sapphire’s death, it was because they had both lied to God.

One: They promised or vowed to give by their own decision and they were punished when they lied.

Two: The money they had promised to give from the sale of their land was not a “sacrifice or seed” in order for God to bless them, but was intended to help the poor who were in the church. They were not forced to give either by God or by the Apostle Peter. They gave by their own choice. If God required a sacrifice or seed in order to bless us, then it would definitely mean that those who didn’t have a dime to give would miss out on the blessings.

It would mean the Gospel is only for the rich and those who are able to offer sacrifices and seed money.

And it would also mean that God does not care about the poor.

What we only need to do for God to bless us is to worship and believe in Him.

Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Robert Chapata,

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