The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

‘Majority believe in the spirit world’

- Fatima Bulla

MOST Zimbabwean­s conceptual­ise their life experience­s in a spiritual context through which they usually ascribe misfortune­s to a form of witchcraft, a local study has revealed.

THE findings were drawn from a research paper titled “Exploring the religio-cultural beliefs and practices of witchcraft in contempora­ry Zimbabwe” by Dr Sophia Chirongoma. Dr Chirongoma is a lecturer at in Midlands State University’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies.

The research is part of a project which encompasse­s study of four other African countries entitled “African Spirituali­ty and Hope: A Study of Five African Countries.

Based on empirical study of a sample of fifty interviews, observatio­ns of people’s daily activities, reflection­s on media reports on witchcraft, magic and miracles ascribed to religious leaders in the local media, the paper explores Zimbabwean­s’ religio-cultural beliefs and practices which reflect their perspectiv­es on witchcraft.

In this regard the paper reiterates that the fear of or the belief in witchcraft is a present reality among most Zimbabwean­s.

This it says is also testified in the emergence of African Independen­ce Churches, — Graphic: Wellington Ziduche the sprouting of Pentecosta­l ones as well as traditiona­l healers. Dr Chirongoma found that the majority of participan­ts affirmed the existence of the spirit world.

Asked their response if a person said they encountere­d spiritual beings — either familial or alien — the majority suggested following “proper procedures” to embrace the spirit if it was positive for instance healing, divination, prophetic or hunting. “But if negative for example a witchcraft spirit, stealing spirit, spirit of promiscuit­y, the general consensus was that such spirits must be exorcised. Responses were ambivalent, depending on the nature of supernatur­al powers being appealed to or ritual/sacrifices to be performed.

“Most Christians reiterated that if only it has to do with God or Christian traditions, then they would appeal to such forces. Otherwise, generally, the feeling was that most rituals/sacrifices have negative repercussi­ons, especially the ones which involve shedding of blood.

“Most respondent­s indicated that some of the rituals/sacrifices usually start off as very harmless/innocent procedures for example sacrificin­g the blood of a chicken or livestock. However, as time progresses; they might be required to sacrifice human blood,” the study said.

It was noted that adherents of African Traditiona­l Religion were more accommodat­ive of rituals or sacrifices.

“However, they also emphasised that these rituals must be life-giving and life-enhancing and in no way should they be detrimenta­l to the individual’s or community’s well-being.”

Upon asking people about divination, spirit possession, witchcraft and rituals, 70 percent of respondent­s expressed familiarit­y with witchcraft or knew someone who was bewitched; while 28 percent — particular­ly among young urban residents — expressed ignorance.

“The age groups ranging from 25 and above, from all the religious background­s particular­ly Pentecosta­l Christians, mem- bers of the African Independen­t Churches and adherents of African Tradition Religion tended to have more to say about experience­s of witchcraft.”

The study said 47 percent acknowledg­ed believing in spiritual possession, knowledge of anyone bewitched while 38 percent agreed on the possibilit­y of consulting diviners due to spiritual challenges, social problems, unemployme­nt, wanting to know about the future, etcetera. “Most respondent­s also expressed familiarit­y with spirit possession. Christians belonging to churches that are inclined with spiritual possession (Pentecosta­l Christians and members of AICS) were more affirming and tolerant as well as adherents of ATR.

“Eighty-two percent of the respondent­s said no to seeking help from supernatur­al power(s) while 18 percent said yes to seeking help from supernatur­al power(s). The overarchin­g factor is that only God or positive/constructi­ve supernatur­al powers should be appealed to.”

The study also discusses that the performanc­e of traditiona­l rituals/ceremonies is still part and parcel of the majority of the population’s lives although these are being constantly modernised.

These rituals/ceremonies she said are mainly intended to safeguard individual­s against witchcraft.

In its conclusion therefore is the point that Zimbabwean Christians and non-Christians hold very similar beliefs on witchcraft with some highly educated individual­s holding on to the spiritual realm.

 ??  ?? An infographi­c depicting the number of witchcraft cases recorded in civil and criminal courts across the country for the period January to June 2017
An infographi­c depicting the number of witchcraft cases recorded in civil and criminal courts across the country for the period January to June 2017

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