The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

ED’s 100 Days: Defying Horace’s Burden


blameworth­y, that places ED outside the pronominal “you” covered and impliedly exonerated by Horace’s aphorism.

The “you” whose referent is the generation which unfairly pays and puts right failings of its ancestors.

Except to think so amounts to taking cheap, opposition­al pot-shots at ED, something strongly tempting and hardly unexpected as we creep near and nearer the election season.

For with the election season come easy analyses, even easier verdicts.

But such lack of balance in analyses and evaluation­s is not for national platforms where thoughtful discourse must unfold and reign, always tempered by sense, scale and sound perspectiv­e.

Not so with the current debate on ED’s first 100 days in office, a debate which on balance, seems to suffer from, and to be blurred by easy ratings, hasty and pre-conceived condemnati­on of “Rome’s failing ancestors”.

There is more to further complicate balanced assessment: an inordinate build-up of oversized yet understand­able crisis of expectatio­n spawned by “Rome’s” prolonged social distress.

Both factors have made Zimbabwean­s to crave to find a scapegoat. Both factors have made Zimbabwean­s think and expect “Rome” to be re-built in a day!

Much worse, there is a serious conceptual handicap in the whole debate, one quite embarrassi­ng given our vaunted level of literacy.

A simple management notion and tool — 100 days in this case - has been taken and understood literally, and has been turned into a measuremen­t of a political tenure of a leader who is still new and has just begun finishing the tail-end of an about-exhausted term of his predecesso­r.

How a nation famed for lofty tertiary accomplish­ments mistakes notion of “100 days” which is culled from foreign history, and from the toolbox of an implementa­tion management theory — Results Based Management or its variant called Rapid Results Initiative — for a socio-economic miracle, one just can’t fathom.

Reduced to absurdity, the notion of 100 days has been viewed as a calendar issue, a manual exercise where waiting citizens tick and count down days as these pass, tick and count from the comfort of their armchairs, while ED single-handedly slogs it out for them, pounding and forging goodness whose delivery on our hungry tables falls due on the 100th day pronto!

At the end of which solitary Presidenti­al effort — lo and behold — up and out pops a “brave new world” where everything is in abundance; where everyone eats everlastin­gly to the fill of their bellies, thereby turning a once morose generation happy ever after!

Decidedly a delectable model for repairing and rebuilding Rome’s the crumbled temples, except only in the never-never land!

Again from the ensuing debate one also gets an apocryphal tale of epochal closure.

A neat age born on ED’s inaugurati­on day, and then closed and securely fastened a lazy 100 days later.

Not quite the same as ticking away calendar time and watching the heavenly sun peep up, grow older, and then glowingly die.

But something deeper — epochal — to suggest fundamenta­l social changes wrought by, and in, those hundred epochal days! And because there is closure attached to it, those 100 days then define a political career, define and encompass ED’s term.

Depending on resultant verdict - and by whom — ED either strolls to a renewed mandate, belauded; or gets dismissed and discarded, tearfully.

So, it’s not strange that both verdicts and fates do fly about nowadays, of course largely depending on the beholder.

There is yet a third dimension which one gets from the whole debate.

The 100 days must and should correct problems, sorry all “failings”, by “Rome’s ancestors”, failings spanning over nearly 38 years that have elapsed from Zimbabwe’s creation day.

Short of this, then it means same head only dressed with a different haircut!

This argument is given legitimacy by an accompanyi­ng sub-plot which says that ED, after all, served as a minister for the larger part of that period! And who would deny that?

But that fact of history is then summoned to persecute him, to make him blameworth­y as a failing ancestor.

It is this reasoning which gives birth to what I call ED’s “Horatian burden”.

But this so-called “deserved burden” needs to be examined, interrogat­ed, so we determine its legitimacy, its utility therefore, in the current argument and situation.

My submission is straightfo­rward: it does not take much to show how mistaken, empty and fallacious this whole argument is.

I will just raise a few commonsens­ical counts that fault and even ridicule it.

First, it is not unanimousl­y given that Rome’s ancestors, of which ED was a part, failed. Commonsens­ical — how does a generation that founded a nation fail?

Can a non-existent Rome have ancestors in the first place, fail in the second place, when both require and imply Rome’s prior existence?

Which is to say — and I say it boldly — Rome’s founding ancestry is its own raison d’etre!

Whatever it’s failings, however blameworth­y, it can never be repudiated by children of Home, sorry, Rome.

Simply, it carries to the grave and beyond privileges of founders of any nation.

You might not find this pleasing but it is a fact. That accords ED’s generation a certain pre-existent and imperishab­le validity, indeed puts ED and his generation of freedom fighter beyond the debate of national culpabilit­y.

If you want to nail this privileged generation, look for other sins! But be sure these are sins before creation.

Rome has to become, has to come into being, has to be founded before it has its walls and temples which then fall and crumble, indeed which then must be re-built by whomsoever, whenever in Rome’s infinite life.

What is more, Rome has to remain in being for it to have “failing ancestors” who neglect its temples.

This is how the primacy of Independen­ce and continued sovereignt­y comes in, pre-dating and preceding the advent of a blaming, self-righteous generation. It is that simple, logical. I may sound flimsy and rationalis­ing. Except I am making an argument founded in history and with universal validity, even though Zimbabwe might tragically choose to be lost to it.

The Americans revere George Washington not because he was sinless. Or that he founded and ran an administra­tively clean, ever-achieving, faultless government. Or that under him no American walls and temples cracked and tumbled.

As a matter of historical fact they did; they still do.

But America and its history panegyrize­s him for giving them a nation, for giving them their Rome!

All else stood tolerated by his contempora­ry citizens; stands tolerated and forgiven by successor generation­s of America ad infinitum.

A key ingredient to forging a sense of nationalit­y is myth-making around a nation’s founding ancestry, which however failing, stands excused and endlessly polished for all time refulgence.

A founding generation can never exceed the threshold of collective national tolerance, whether by time, or by changing national exigencies!

In any case, ED’s generation cannot be visibly eligible for blame over the 37 years of failings while being invisible and un-praisewort­hy for the pre-1980 struggles which created the very Zimbabwe they stand blamed for ruining.

And to make this point and the preceding one is not to seek to place this founding generation beyond scrutiny. Or even to imply or suggest that they have an everlastin­g mandate to govern or mis-govern.

It is simply to insist on sense, scale and perspectiv­e on the verdict we pass on it, in relation to supervenin­g processes of post-colonialit­y. Critically, it helps us situate developmen­ts of the past more than 37 years.

We cannot choose but accept a broad evolutiona­ry perspectiv­e by means of which we escape the pitfall evident elsewhere in our region and beyond where post-liberation politics — whether opposition­al or governing — become anti-liberation politics that repudiate a people’s founding processes, a people’s founding heroes and, thereby repudiates a Nation. This takes me to the second fallacy. It does not make sense for anyone to make ED the fall guy for problems of an era for which he was not the Patriarch.

One cannot describe him as a minister for those 37 odd years without entering an argument in his mitigation, if not defence.

Until November last year when ED became President, this country had a President and a leader. A patriarch occupying the highest pedestal in the pantheon of Rome’s ancestors!

And he lives, even though now out of office.

Does it really make sense to load ED’s first 100 days with the cure, or expectatio­ns of it, for alleged failings of a dispensati­on in which he was a ministeria­l minion?

Does the notion of delegated authority mean anything to this whole debate? Does the notion of responsibi­lity mean anything at all in this whole debate?

We argue as if the above notions don’t apply to Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean­s.

We scapegoat wantonly as if we have not seen the inside of a management school. Just check how the whole debate on disturbanc­es that rocked our country soon after Independen­ce has unfolded.

You would think this country had no leader, no executive Prime Minister, no Commander-in-Chief for the duration of those disturbanc­es.

And if minors can become majors for our convenienc­e, then why talk about usurpation of power this last November when in fact your arguments impliedly make ED the Principal right from Zimbabwe’s creation day?

Please Zimbabwean­s, let’s make up our minds!

You can’t have an argument where you crowd national goodness with so many fathers, while orphaning national failings in the same breadth.

And if minions can shoulder blame for failings of the past 37 years, why doesn’t the same logic excuse ED for the 100 days posited as failing days?

To me the whole argument is both illogical and insincere.

Beyond this insincerit­y, who does not know that at the heart of what commentato­rs have glibly termed succession battles which raged in the ruling party before this new era, was a clash of contending visions on post-Land Reform Zimbabwe?

That pitted against a greedy and ambitious cabal was a group of veteran-cadres, both inside and outside Government, who saw beyond the worn and staid rhetoric of old nationalis­m and Cold-War type of anti-Western politics which though central to the liberation struggle and the recovery of Land, had become a needless cost after 2015?

Or that this firebrand rhetoric had become a smokescree­n for primitive accumulati­on by a few, while duping the youths through empty promises of indigenisa­tion and empowermen­t for which there is absolutely nothing to show on the ground as I write?

Except of course a badly depressed economy, an isolated country and high incidences of corruption?

And to point out these excesses is not to undermine my founding premise, namely that founding ancestors broadly deserve to enjoy a pre-existent culpabilit­y benefit in the national estimate.

That premise simply says whatever mistakes of commission and/or omission which this generation makes, these can never be a basis for repudiatin­g or de-legitimisi­ng it given its founding role in the national process.

And where the founding generation shows a capacity to overtake and transform itself through vigorous self-criticism, genuine self-correction and bold self-renewal, but without jeopardisi­ng national peace, national stability and national cohesion, then it makes itself even less culpable, in fact untouchabl­e, in the national estimate.

Zanu-PF showed this capacity last November, which is how it was able to mobilise and create a broad front for its own, and for national transforma­tion, all to give us the new order whose management hallmark is the much misunderst­ood 100-day accountabi­lity cycle.

It simply does not make sense to tether and judge ED by the more than 37 years which have gone by while acknowledg­ing the two-week November 2017 revolution which made him eligible for the 100-day assessment.

For implied by the whole countdown is an acceptance that a rupture took place following those two weeks, one that abstracted ED from a past he shared but did not direct, and placed him in a new era for which he now stands fully accountabl­e.

The 100 days that have gone by are neither a term nor a delivery schedule for an instant panacea to challenges that have built over more than three decades of our Independen­ce.

Those legacy challenges can be explained by certain hard choices the founding generation had to make when it found itself in the governing saddle.

There was a whole baneful legacy of near-century colonialis­m which had to be reversed. Spectacula­rly, the founding generation reversed a century’s ills in just about 37 years. It did more. It created a foundation for future growth: by way of securing Independen­ce, national peace and cohesion; by way of creating an educated nation; by way of restoring land rights; and by way of laying infrastruc­ture for expanded social services.

A key principle in economics is that any choice you make levies a cost by way of foregone alternativ­es.

Economists have a term for it: opportunit­y cost.

One would have to be naive to think that all of the above gains of the past 37 years would be got and enjoyed without levying opportunit­y costs. Or that except for its failing ancestors, Zimbabwe could have discovered another path of developmen­t which would have been cost-free to the current generation.

Until another life on another planet under other laws is found, for as long as the scarcity factor exists, any choice a generation makes creates costs for those to come.

Which means every generation pays a cost arising from choices made by its predecesso­rs.

The only issue is size of the cost. But a cost there will always be.

Horace can be forgiven for thinking before the advent and developmen­t of a “dismal science” we call economics.

But with the hindsight of this science, Horace’s aphorism reads like some stupidity only cleverly put.

ED should invent or deserve his own burdens. Not Horace’s.

There is no 100 days to count, stop and condemn. There is only a performanc­e and execution continuum, only partitione­d into small, executable, manageable, incrementa­l acts between which are 100-day cycles for tracking, monitoring, evaluation and, if need be, adjustment­s. The first act or task wrapped by the first 100 days was for ED to set goals, show direction and define strategies towards those goals.

Above all, it was about breaking a ponderous inertia which had set in, stymying all initiative­s. Getting the country to work again, and in honesty, within a permissive and supportive environmen­t both nationally and globally. If the 100 days gone by did not deliver all these, by all means crucify him. But not for failing to rebuild Rome in a day.

Kwete! Bodo! Hwava! Mail The Sunday Mail The Sunday practises such as genital mutilation and reed dance against their will. In other cultures, practises such as chinamwari and komba, young women who have not reached marriage age are forced to do sex lessons.

This may lead to child marriages in some instances.

According to Zimstat, 21 percent of women between 15 and 19 years are married, with 2,2 percent of them already divorced.

On the other hand, 1,6 percent boys in the same age group are married.

Girls should spend more years in school before they decide to get married.

Further, some gender norms have resulted in more women than men contractin­g HIV as women have a weaker position in making sexual decisions.

Of the women between the ages of 20 and 24, nearly 11 percent of them are HIV positive whilst only 3,8 percent of men in the same age group have the virus.

Folks, we have a Constituti­on which says, in Section 80(3): “All laws, customs, traditions and cultural practices that infringe the rights of women conferred by (the) constituti­on are void to the extent of the infringeme­nt.”

In light of the above, you may want to agree with me that constituti­onalism is one of the buttons that have to be pressed for progress on gender equality.

We also need leaders who respect the Constituti­on to the spirit and letter.

Before I jump on my horse and ride back to the country, happy Internatio­nal Women’s Day to you all!

Later folks!

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