The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

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WITH the current situation in the country, I do not think it is in our best interest to be organising any sort of event that attracts large crowds. Those who have been calling for mass protests on July 31 should reconsider unless it is their primary goal to spread Covid-19. Security forces must make sure that this march never takes place. —



Every citizen should be focusing on fighting the deadly coronaviru­s rather than creating scenarios that encourage its spread such as demonstrat­ions.

This march should basically be treated as a terrorist attack and the powers that be must respond accordingl­y —


It is sad to hear that one of the champions of black economic empowermen­t Keith Guzah is no more.

May his soul rest in peace. —

Mai Maka. Tendai Muchenje, Karoi.


The cases of Covid-19 are increasing with no sign they will decline anytime soon. Let us all be responsibl­e and adhere to measures that limit the spread of the virus.

Wearing face masks should not be something done to evade arrest, but must be out of being responsibl­e. — Mhukayakor­a, Bindura.



I will not rest in calling on the responsibl­e authoritie­s to ensure they address the public transport situation in Harare.

Workers are having a difficult time commuting.

In addition, may Zupco consider a review of bus fares. We are all aware $4 for a trip into town is unrealisti­c.

It is high time we stop politickin­g with our public transport. —

Kuwadzana. Worker,

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