The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Pride won’t take you far

- Life Issues with FGK

SOMETIMES attitude is all that can take you to the next level.

The greatest test of character is one’s reaction to people and circumstan­ces that threaten to undermine their pride.

Often, what keeps people in the same position year-in, year-out is nothing outside them, but the very thing within. It is hard to discover an error within. We are very skilled at finding other people’s faults and blaming exogenous factors.

However, we are not very much schooled in introspect­ion.

It is quite helpful to discover your own limitation­s, including coming to the realisatio­n that your attitude towards people and life in general has been your biggest stumbling block.

If you carry the wrong attitude, everyone tends to avoid you.

Attitude describes the way one reacts and behaves towards anything or anyone.

A right attitude, regardless of the situation, often attracts positive results.

Most people lose themselves when their egos are bruised.

They struggle to remain humble even though they might be in desperate need of help.

Meaningful assistance usually does not come on a silver platter.

God often places things you need in people that you loathe just to test your attitude.

You do not deserve to go to the next level if you are still arrogant and proud.

Real change and developmen­t comes with humility, which is birthed by the right attitude.

Remember the biblical story of the Canaanite woman who managed to keep the right attitude even after being insulted by the master?

She kept pressing on because she knew she needed help to save her suffering daughter.

She surmised that if she lost her cool, she could have lost her daughter.

Imagine the embarrassm­ent she was prepared to suffer to get her life back on track.

This is what is happening to many people.

They are coming face-to-face with their miracle but it is their attitude that betrays them.

Why should you be proud and act as if you do not care before one who is capable of delivering you from the challenges you might be facing?

Most of those who have made it in life had to humble themselves before someone who held the keys to their success. This is the reality of life.

Your attitude will be tested just before you climb the ladder to the next stage.

This test is one that you must never fail.

Pride does not take you anywhere or pay your bills. It is an attitude that determines altitude.

Similarly, it is important to always remember that whatever we need has already been given to someone else.

Your vision and destiny were long achieved by others.

It is them that can help us achieve our goals.

However, we need the right attitude when dealing with them. Spanish philosophe­r Baltasar Gracián once said it is a rule of power to never outshine the master.

This rule applies everywhere and to anyone.

It could be your boss, your business partner, your mentor, your client, someone in the right office or your lecturer.

As long as they have the key to your next level, they are the master. These people are not always the nicest of people.

Some are arrogant, rough, tough, too strict and aggressive, but that does not matter, just focus on getting help and achieving your goals.

You must never give up on your dreams because you do not want to go through a process of refinement. You need those crunch encounters to mould you into perfection as you climb the ladder of success.

Quote of the week: The test on attitude is one that you must never fail.

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