The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Value investment not spending

can never talk WE of joy, success and prosperity when one is poor and not rich. Thus, we must all strive to be rich.

- with FGK

THIS can only be possible through a change of mentality. Hard earned cash should not be spent on trivial items that only help us to flow with the tide and trend on social media.

It is always important to think about the future each time you get money. Think about saving and probably investing not spending.

The challenge we have is when most people get a windfall, they immediatel­y want to acquire items that place them on the same footing with a wealthy or supposed rich person trending on social media.

They never take time to observe if the person has legitimate, borrowed, or ill-gotten wealth. Truth is those flashy characters only flaunt their wealth to put you under pressure to buy that designer wear or that latest car.

Are you sure you want to be under pressure because of social media?

You must never allow trends to influence your expenditur­e! How is this item going to benefit my kids when I am gone or when I am incapacita­ted is the question you need to ask yourself before spending.

One day you will have to retire or you might pass on hence you need to plan the future of your kids.

What investment are you doing today that will guarantee a smooth future for your family?

If you struggle to answer this question, you need to start acting.

Enlist the services of profession­al investment consultant­s so that you are not scammed.

You can even start with those sure things you are well versed with and try to multiply every income you get every day.

Similarly, it is important to remember that not everyone is a businesspe­rson.

In such cases, you can invest in other people’s legit operations through purchasing shares that will give high returns.

Some if not most of the rich people you know today are not any better than you or more gifted than you but just got their priorities right.

You buy an iPhone X but you have no steady income; you drive a Mercedes Benz but your salary is not enough to service the car and that is why you will not get rich.

It is good to buy nice things but not at the expense of investment.

It is baffling how the rich are so conscious about their expenses while those that pretend to be wealthy seem not to care.

One lady once shared a interestin­g story with me.

Her mother graduated in 1965 and got a teaching job at a Government College. The teachers were given car loans and she bought a brand new Opel Kadett.

They were to pay back the loan over four years.

However, one of the teachers took half of the money the others took as loan; bought a fairly used car and employed a driver.

When other teachers would drive to school and park their brand new cars, his driver would drop him off in the morning and pick him after work.

The lady’s mother and her colleagues would laugh at him accusing him of trying to act like a big man by employing a driver.

He would respond by just laughing it off. One day, one of the teachers went out of the schoolyard during working hours. He returned to report that he saw his colleague’s driver using his car as a taxi.

When they “reported” his driver to him, he calmly replied that he had hired him for that purpose.

“Why park a car for six to eight hours when it can be making money for you?” he questioned.

The other teachers were stunned! Suddenly, he did not look as stupid as they thought. Now, because of the extra income from the taxi, he was able to pay back his loan within a year.

The following year he bought a second car to add to his now growing taxi fleet. In the third year, he bought two more taxis.

By the time the lady’s mother and other teachers finished servicing their loans, the guy had bought six taxis. Subsequent­ly, he bought a brand new Opel Kadett, the newer model! Other cars were four years older.

The other teachers acknowledg­ed the guy was smarter than them.

I was born in 1968, in the midst of all this. The story was narrated to me when I was still in secondary school and it has stuck in my head ever since.

Today, I see too many people interested in spending their money instead of investing.

Too many people are living fake lives on social media and some even go to the extent of posting pictures of cars that do not belong to them just to create impression­s. Mike Murdock says,

“A foolish man will enjoy a perfect today and lose a perfect tomorrow. A wise man will forfeit a perfect today to gain a perfect tomorrow.”

Quote of the week: It is good to buy nice things but not at the expense of investment. ◆ Feedback: Website: www.fgklifeiss­, Instagram: Life issues with FGK, Facebook: Life issues with FGK

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