The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Heed festive season online safety tips

festive THE season is a time of joy and family gatherings.

- 4IR Simplified John Tseriwa John Tseriwa is a tech entreprene­ur and digital transforma­tion advocate focusing on delivering business solutions powered by Fourth Industrial Revolution technologi­es. He can be contacted at: info@johntseriw­ or +2637732898

UNFORTUNAT­ELY, it is also a time of increased cyber threats. Amid the festivitie­s, it is, therefore, crucial to remain vigilant.

Cybercrimi­nals often take advantage of the increased online activity around this time of the year to target unsuspecti­ng individual­s with scams and attacks.

This article provides practical cybersecur­ity tips to help you enjoy a safe festive season.

Avoid posting your activities on social media in real time

In an age where sharing life’s moments on social media has become second nature, it is imperative to exercise caution, especially during the festive season.

Many individual­s habitually offer real-time updates on platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook or X, unwittingl­y exposing themselves to potential risks.

This seemingly innocent practice can pose a significan­t danger, enabling criminals to track you.

The desire to share our experience­s online often overshadow­s the potential risks associated with this practice. Criminals, ever more adept at exploiting online informatio­n, can create a detailed picture of your daily routine, including when your home is vacant.

This opens the door to physical threats such as break-ins or thefts, putting your safety at risk.

Consider a scenario where an individual excitedly posts updates about their vacation in real time.

While this seems harmless, the post discloses their absence from home and the specific locations they visit. Criminals can leverage on this data to plan a break-in during the owner’s absence.

Protective measures

◆ Delay your updates: Instead of sharing your activities in realtime, consider delaying your posts until after you have left a location. This reduces the immediacy of the informatio­n and minimises the risk of criminals exploiting it while you are still present.

◆ Adjust privacy settings: Change your social media privacy settings to control who sees your posts. Restrictin­g access to your updates ensures that only trusted individual­s are privy to your real-time activities.

◆ Geotagging awareness: Be cautious about geotagging features that automatica­lly reveal your location.

Disable this feature or selectivel­y enable it for specific posts to mitigate the risk of criminals tracking your movements.

Personal messaging: Share intimate details of your festivitie­s directly with friends and family through private messaging, rather than public posts.

This keeps your updates within a trusted circle and reduces exposure to potential threats.

◆ Post after departure: Save the bulk of your updates after you have left a location.

This adds an extra layer of security by not providing immediate informatio­n that criminals could exploit. Beyond safeguardi­ng your online behaviour, take the initiative to educate friends and family about the potential dangers of oversharin­g on social media.

Encourage responsibl­e sharing practices and emphasise the importance of personal safety in the digital age. While social media offers a convenient platform for sharing life’s joys, balancing connectivi­ty and personal security is crucial.

By adopting mindful posting habits, adjusting privacy settings and educating those in your network, you create a safer online environmen­t for everyone.

The festive season should be a time of joy and celebratio­n, not marred by the risks of oversharin­g on social media.

Take control of your digital footprint to ensure a secure and worry-free holiday season for you and your loved ones.

Phishing remains a prevalent cyber threat, especially during the holiday season when people are more likely to receive emails or messages about holiday greetings, promotions or shipping notificati­ons. Cybercrimi­nals use these opportunit­ies to trick individual­s into clicking malicious links or providing sensitive informatio­n.

Imagine receiving an email that appears to be from a popular online retailer offering exclusive festive discounts. Before clicking any links, verify the sender’s email address and hover over the links to preview the destinatio­n URL.Legitimate retailers will never ask for sensitive informatio­n via email. Staying vigilant, securing your online activities and educating those around you are essential practices that contribute to a safe and joyful holiday experience.

Remember, the gift of cybersecur­ity keeps on giving, ensuring a happy and secure festive season for all.

 ?? ?? Avoid posting your activities on social media in real time
Avoid posting your activities on social media in real time
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