The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Create pockets of greatness

is nothing THERE ordinary about you. This is what someone should have told my mother when I was born at Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo.

- Milton Kamwendo

THERE is extraordin­ary potential in ordinary moments, ordinary classes and ordinary learners. This is what someone should have shared with my teachers at Masuku Primary School in Tshabalala.

I can still recall their special names — Mr Ndlovu, the headmaster; and Mr Sithole, the long-time deputy headmaster; then the pocket of extraordin­ary teachers — Mrs L Moyo, Mrs Thenjwayo, Mr Phinda, Mr Keswa, Miss Ngwenya and many more.

Greatness occurs in pockets. Extraordin­ary potential can be found in ordinary moments.

In the scheme and tapestry of life, greatness is often thought of as grand achievemen­ts and monumental success.

But nestled within ordinary moments, hidden in the folds of the everyday, are “pockets of greatness”.

These are fleeting opportunit­ies but pregnant opportunit­ies. They are brief moments in time where our actions, choices and attitudes have the potential to make an extraordin­ary impact.

Never ignore pockets of greatness and opportunit­ies to seed greatness in some heart.

Greatness takes place in pockets. You exist in a pocket and you are able to influence where you are. Take responsibi­lity for the area you have control of and move this area from good to great. You are not a victim. You are able to make a difference in your arena, and where you are.

Hidden minerals

Ordinary moments hide extraordin­ary gems of greatness. A simple act of kindness or a passing word of encouragem­ent during a tough time could touch someone forever. A case in point is your quiet dedication as a teacher, staying late to help a struggling learner. Passing on a book to someone and a warm handshake and encouragem­ent are other examples. These actions may seem small, but their ripple effects can be vast.

You carry within you the potential to influence these pockets of greatness. They do not require grand stages, bright spotlights or large investment­s.

Pockets of encouragem­ent thrive in the quiet corners of daily living. Be aware of these pockets of greatness and seize them daily.

Everyday choices

Today’s decisions are the structures of tomorrow. Today’s investment­s are the impacts of tomorrow. Every day, you make choices.

Some are commonplac­e and pedestrian, while others are more significan­t.

Do not let the context fool you. Seemingly small decisions could be destiny shaping. The smallest choice can be a pocket of greatness.

Choose to pause, instead of reacting angrily. Choose to give, instead of withholdin­g. Choose to be present, instead of being absent-minded.

Every moment of decision is a pocket of greatness. Be mindful, aware and intentiona­l. Think not just of the pleasure of this moment but the effect of the decision. It is always better to build than to repair.

Unlikely places

The most inspiring stories of greatness often come from the most unlikely places. There are pockets of greatness everywhere.

You have a story of greatness to share. You may be a single parent who works tirelessly to provide for your family.

There is greatness there. You may be a young entreprene­ur who builds an App or starts a business to solve a community problem.

Choose to see pockets of inspiratio­n, instead of despair. Hunt for stories that remind that greatness is not about scale but impact.

Cultivatin­g greatness

Be intentiona­l and cultivate pockets of greatness in your life and context. It all starts with awareness. Be mindful of the moments and opportunit­ies that present themselves each day.

Embrace a mindset of growth and learning. Recognise that every experience, good or bad, offers a chance for greatness. Is this not the story of Christmas?

Next, be intentiona­l and focused. Greatness does not happen by accident. You cannot gamble your way to greatness. Greatness is a product of deliberate action and conscious choices.

Choose kindness; choose courage; choose perseveran­ce; choose goal getting; and choose faith; instead of fear.

Finally, connect with others. Greatness is about people. Your pockets of greatness often intersect with the lives of those around you.

Build meaningful relationsh­ips. Support others where you can. As you touch other people, you amplify the potential for greatness in every moment.

Author Zig Ziglar once said: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Road ahead

As you journey through life, remember to look for and nurture pockets of greatness. They may not always be obvious, and may not always be celebrated. It is in the moments of decision that greatness is shaped.

In these moments and in these choices lie the true essence of greatness.

You may not be able transform and change everyone and everything, but pockets of the greatness touch exist.

You can change the corner that you occupy. Saturate your arena and territory with positive influence, excellence and possibilit­ies. You have what it takes to change your space and pocket.

Committed to your greatness.

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