The Zimbabwe Independent

Economic collapse govt’s own doing


PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa’s claims that the deepening economic crisis is the work of his political detractors and greedy businesspe­ople reflect the government’s failure to take responsibi­lity for its unworkable policies.

Addressing members of the Zanu PF politburo last week on Wednesday, the embattled Mnangagwa lashed out at what he called attempts to frustrate his administra­tion’s efforts to revive the economy.

He did not mention his administra­tion’s failures such as ill-thought-out and ineffectiv­e measures, policy inconsiste­ncy and a rise in high-level corruption.

“We are witnessing a relentless attack on our currency and the economy in general through exorbitant pricing models by the private sector,” Mnangagwa said.

“We are fully cognisant that this is a battle being fuelled by our political detractors, elite opportunis­ts and malcontent­s who are bent on pushing a nefarious agenda which they will never win.”

Two days later, while announcing measures to relax the Covid-19 lockdown put in place to contain the pandemic, the President conceded that the economy is in terrible shape. He did not shoulder blame for the accelerate­d economic decline.

However, policies that the Mnangagwa administra­tion has put in place since coming into power on the back of a coup in 2017 have undoubtedl­y contribute­d to the crisis, characteri­sed by a debilitati­ng liquidity crunch, fuel and cash shortages, low capacity utilisatio­n, declining investment inflows and runaway inflation which stood at 765,57% for the month of April.

e government’s decision to ban the use of the multi-currency regime and make the Zimbabwean dollar the sole legal tender through Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019 in June last year is probably the most damaging policy. It has resulted in quickening inflation which has not only decimated incomes and pensions but has also crippled companies which have incurred huge losses as a result.

e Zimdollar was trading at US$1:ZW$83 at the beginning of this week. e local unit’s loss of value unit has resulted in prices of basic commoditie­s skyrocketi­ng at a time the incomes of most workers have been ravaged by inflation. e increase in prices has shredded the moratorium on the cost of basic commoditie­s put in place by the government in March this year with Industry minister Sekai Nzenza admitting failure to contain the prices.

e introducti­on of higher-denominati­on ZW$10 and ZW$20 bank notes have only worsened the haemorrhag­ing of the local unit. To put it into perspectiv­e, the country’s two highest-value denominati­ons combined are not enough to buy a loaf of bread which is now retailing above ZW$50.

Companies have also felt the devastatin­g impact of the depreciati­on of the country’s currency with financial giant Old Mutual and cigarette manufactur­er BAT Zimbabwe suffering massive losses as a result of the weakening currency.

e free-fall of the Zimdollar is hardly a surprise. e local unit was introduced without vital benchmarks to sustain a currency being met.

e conditions needed for de-dollarisat­ion and use of a fully-fledged currency include attaining sustainabl­e gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of at least 7%; low and stable inflation; reducing the high debt ratios to very low and sustainabl­e levels; increasing the level of savings and investment­s to at least 25% of GDP; reducing the balance of payments and at least six months import cover.

Former Employers’ Confederat­ion of Zimbabwe executive director and labour market analyst John Mufukare said the decision to re-introduce the local currency is among the worst moves the government has ever taken.

“ e government has allowed the economy to go belly up; the decision to use the local currency is one of the worst the government has ever made. e country is not yet ready to support a local currency. You cannot legislate a currency. All the laws in the world will not create a feasible currency without market confidence,” Mufukare said.

He said the “malcontent­s and elite opportunis­ts” which Mnangagwa is bemoaning are the logical result of a government that has created a dysfunctio­nal economy in which rent-seeking activity thrives.

Among the unworkable policies is the fixing of the exchange rate at US$1:ZW$25, a far cry from the rates on the parallel market, creating massive arbitrage opportunit­ies in the market. is is despite government having announced that it would introduce a floated exchange rate, which has not materialis­ed.

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mangudya said the central bank will abandon the fixed exchange rate on Tuesday next week and replace it with a floated forex exchange rate system.

“If the economy was functionin­g normally, the greedy people would be out of business and the rent-seeking behaviour will stop,” Mufukare said.

Economist and CEO Africa Roundtable chairperso­n Oswell Binha said the crisis is borne out of a state which has been wrongly founded.

“ e Zimbabwe state has been founded on wrong tenets. ey have been founded on the concept of the strong man and strong woman, on the concept of power residing in one person, on the concept of primitive accumulati­on of wealth and concept of impunity,” Binha said.

He said unless the government starts practicing servant leadership, the country’s economic malaise will persist.

In April this year, Finance minister Mthuli Ncube admitted to internatio­nal financial institutio­ns that the government has made “policy missteps” and promised reforms to secure debt rescheduli­ng or cancellati­on.

e missteps Ncube mentioned in the letter include unbudgeted spending and failure to adhere to the reform agenda spelt out in the IMF Staff-Monitored Programme (SMP). is has put the SMP in limbo, amid fears the whole programme could be abandoned, leaving the government in the lurch. is clearly shows how Mnangagwa’s administra­tion has contribute­d to economic collapse.

 ??  ?? Bad money ... Government’s decision to ban the use of the multi-currency regime is probably the most damaging policy.
Bad money ... Government’s decision to ban the use of the multi-currency regime is probably the most damaging policy.

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