The Zimbabwe Independent

Libya: Incredible irrelevanc­e of America

- World View GWYNNE DYER Dyer is a London-based independen­t journalist. His new book is titled Growing Pains: e Future of Democracy (and Work).

“FIELD Marshal” Khalifa Haftar’s retreat from Tripoli should not be confused with Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow. Haftar was foolish to try to capture the Libyan capital — it even surprised his foreign backers — but he probably will not have to retreat very far. His main force is still intact, and it does not snow much in Libya.

It is probably too generous to call what has been going on in Libya a civil war. After long-ruling dictator Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011, the country actually disintegra­ted into a series of city-states ruled by rival Islamist militias — and every petty warlord got foreign backers because of Libya’s oil wealth.

Fifty years ago, Haftar was one of the young officers who helped Gaddafi overthrow the monarchy. Twenty-five years ago he was a United States Central Intelligen­ce Organisati­on asset living in Virginia and promising to overthrow Gaddafi. Five years ago he became the commander of the Libyan National Army and started subjugatin­g the “Islamist and terrorist” militias that then dominated the east of the country (Cyrenaica). As he gained control of Cyrenaica and then the desert south of the country, Haftar’s foreign backers multiplied — France, Russia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates — for that is where most of the oilfields, pipelines and oil terminals are. ey also liked his strong anti-Islamist line. But they were not really interested in reuniting Libya, whereas Haftar was.

e various Islamist militias that dominate the capital, Tripoli, and the broader western region of Tripolitan­ia are really just local boys defending their protection rackets. ey have no loyalty to the unelected Government of National Accord (GNA) that the United Nations calls legitimate. However, the GNA has gained the support of Turkey, probably the strongest country in the Middle East.

Why? Partly because under President Recep Tayyib Erdogan, Turkey has become the key supporter of pro-Islamist regimes and parties throughout the Arab world (the GNA is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhoo­d), and partly because of oil.

Still with me? Do not bother to take notes; there will not be a test.

Turkey did not instantly give military aid to the GNA when Haftar sent his forces west 14 months ago to attack Tripoli. at had to wait until Erdogan had extorted a deal last December in which Libya promised to sell Turkey lots of oil and gas (although it could not deliver until Haftar was defeated).

e leader of the GNA, Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj, also had to agree to a deal in which Turkey and Libya carved up seabed rights in the Mediterran­ean in a way that gave Turkey valuable gas fields and froze both Greece and Cyprus out. (Both strongly objected, of course.) And then Turkey started sending arms, Arab mercenarie­s (also Islamist), armed drones, and Turkish military “advisers” to Libya.

By early this year Haftar was also getting a lot of foreign help: arms shipments from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt, thousands of mercenarie­s from Sudan, Chad and Niger, and even a couple of thousand Russian ex-special forces troops now working for the Wagner Group of mercenarie­s. But Turkey’s bid was higher.

Haftar’s last assault on Tripoli failed late last month, and the GNA-Turkish counteroff­ensive has already retaken all of western Libya. As I write militias from Tripoli and Arab mercenarie­s provided by Turkey are fighting in the outskirts of Sirte, Libya’s third city and the gateway to the “Oil Crescent”, where the sea terminals of the pipelines are. If they take those, Haftar will be toast.

Except that the “alliance of evil”, as Erdogan calls Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and the UAE, will not let that happen. More importantl­y, Russia will not let it happen — and Russia flew more than a dozen state-ofthe-art combat planes into a Haftar-controlled airbase last month.

Russia does not want to put its own troops on the ground in Libya to save its man, any more than it did in Syria, but air-power alone can probably save him. It does not want a full military confrontat­ion over Turkey either, any more than it did in Syria. But it will probably get its way in Libya anyway, or most of its way, at least — like it did in Syria.

And what is extraordin­ary is that despite key words like “oil” and “Middle East” and “Russia” scattered all through this article, it has not been necessary to mention the US even once. ere was a telephone call between Erdogan and US President Donald Trump last week, but it is unlikely to be relevant to the outcome.

e likeliest outcome is that Turkey backs off, there is a ceasefire of some sort that freezes the lines, and there is a de facto division of Libya with a Haftar-led Russian client state in the east that shares the oil revenues with Tripoli. And then there will be a generation of quarrels over the shares.

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Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar
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