3D World

5 BLOCK out The Main Shapes 6 ADD MUSCLE MASS


I have front and side view drawings, my base mesh and skeletal system. now I’ll spend time on the overall silhouette using the Move brush. Concept drawings should give an idea of body mass and shape, but don’t get too hung up on the details yet; it’s important to have a low-resolution model in the beginning while you are making big changes. Press the shortcut BMT for the Move Topologica­l brush (to move vertices) and shortcut BMV for the Move brush (to move big mass). I use the Clay Buildup brush to add muscle mass. next I isolate the areas that I want to focus on and work on them separately. use the Clay Buildup brush, smooth it and gently draw muscle lines with the Dam_standard brush. Slowly build up the fines of the form and move to a different part. Change the Imbed Intensity to 5 and Brush Intensity to 10 for the Clay Buildup brush. go to Brush>depth>imbed. Imbed controls how much deformatio­n the brush stroke will give you.

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