
Residentia­l Decoration

Garden House by Arent & Pyke


Design statement — Joking that they’d happily live in a luxury tent, such is their passion for their 2,400square-metre garden, the clients of Garden House embraced a more metaphoric­al approach, renovating and decorating their “forever home.”

When the landscape is the mesmerizin­g star of the show, restraint in the decoration was the key to success. The unusually long garden was everything to the clients, and they wanted to feel as if they were living in it. Extending the home included the creation of a new kitchen, master suite, and living and dining dubbed the Garden Room – a space more suited to a Luca Guadagnino film than the battleaxe blocks of Sydney’s North Shore.

The scale of the dwelling moves from the original domestic scale, opening up to the grand scale of the garden. The addition’s floor area is not large; however, the rooms take on an exaggerate­d size, with soaring ceilings and super-wide walls.

The new spaces are bold and confident in their identity. Enormous openings draw the garden into the house. This change of scale between old and new creates the illusion that you could almost touch the end of the garden 100 metres away.

Jury comment — Garden House is well curated, breathtaki­ngly beautiful and very liveable. It is a thoughtful­ly executed interior decoration scheme that is particular to the client and place. But, above all, the jury was impressed by its polished eclecticis­m. This project is global in the best sense of the word, displaying a thorough knowledge of the history of decoration while remaining utterly contempora­ry. It is to be admired for its austerity, freshness and restraint.

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 ??  ?? Award for Residentia­l Decoration supported by:
Award for Residentia­l Decoration supported by:
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 ??  ?? Design practice —
Arent & Pyke 268 Devonshire Street Surry Hills, NSW
Design practice — Arent & Pyke 268 Devonshire Street Surry Hills, NSW
 ??  ?? Project —
Garden House Lindfield, NSW
Built on the land of the Darramurag­al people of the Eora nation
Project — Garden House Lindfield, NSW Built on the land of the Darramurag­al people of the Eora nation
 ?? Photograph­y —
Anson Smart ?? Project team —
Juliette Arent, Sarah-jane Pyke, Genevieve Hromas
Photograph­y — Anson Smart Project team — Juliette Arent, Sarah-jane Pyke, Genevieve Hromas

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