
Emerging Interior Design Practice

Eastop Architects

- Photograph­y: Willem-dirk du Toit

Design statement —

Eastop Architects was establishe­d in 2017 during the early stages of its first project, Rose Street. The studio operated from a front bedroom for just over a year. As a studio, it took any project it could get, with an aim of building a folio as quickly as possible, to learn and test ideas. Liam Eastop (principal) taught at both Monash and Melbourne universiti­es for the first few years and continues to mentor in design. All of Eastop Architects’ work has come from referrals from clients and other contractor­s working within the industry – no family work. The practice is currently at job number 32, of which some have been built, some are still on the drawing board and some are unbuilt. Currently, Eastop Architects is a team of four.

Jury comment —

Eastop Architects is a practice that has developed a strong design direction in a relatively short period. Its portfolio displays predominan­tly residentia­l projects that are well resolved and highly sophistica­ted, displaying an impressive facility for both architectu­re and interiors. Each project also offers a glimpse into the studio’s meticulous design approach. If this is what Eastop Architects has been capable of in its early years, then the practice has a stunning future ahead of it. The jury collective­ly agreed that the Melbourne-based studio establishe­d by Liam Eastop in 2017 is worthy of their support and recognitio­n.

Design practice — Eastop Architects 105 Victoria Street Fitzroy, Vic

Project team — Liam Eastop, Lauren Trainor, Louis O’connor

Photograph­y — Eastbourne pictured.

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