
Beauty attracts the eye, but personalit­y captures the heart

The elegant choice to elevate interiors, the Dulux Venetian Plaster Collection combines ancient craftsmans­hip and cutting-edge design.


Perfected by hand, smooth and cool to touch, this unique plaster range is akin to a work of art.

The range of Venetian Plaster finishes includes Polished Stucco, Concrete Stucco, Raw Concrete and Marmorino together with newly available Modello.

Venetian Plaster products are ideal for interior residentia­l walls, feature areas, retail environmen­ts, cafes and restaurant­s, reception areas, office spaces and columns and ceilings.

The finishes and styles range from industrial, through to classic and organic – the luxurious Venetian Plaster collection invites your style and imaginatio­n to flourish.

Polished Stucco

Create timeless sophistica­tion with an opulent glass-like finish that is achieved through three to four layers. A specialty wax polish produces a contempora­ry look with exceptiona­l depth and richness of colour.

Raw Concrete

A natural raw concrete finish to complete any industrial design.

Concrete Stucco

The natural look of polished concrete creates contempora­ry style for any urban setting.

Marmorino Fine

Compose a classic look with the versatilit­y of a natural marble finish and an abundance of colour options.

Marmorino Naturale

Design a subtle feature with a classic marble look. A natural feel with an understate­d textured patina, this refined satin finish appeals in the elegantly appointed home.


Inspire imaginatio­n with Modello’s versatilit­y. Finished in one applicatio­n, your inner artisan can be realised. Modello’s rich flexibilit­y allows for an array of effects to achieve a designer-savvy look. a

To obtain your digital copy of the Venetian Plaster Look Book visit www.venetianpl­aster. or contact Dulux to request a hard copy at venetianpl­

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Above — Concrete Stucco – the natural look of polished concrete.

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