Asian Geographic

Choose the Fan over the Aircon


Many parts of Asia are hot and air conditioni­ng is something many of us have gotten used to enjoying. An average air conditione­r uses some ten times more electricit­y than a fan. If you see electrical appliances as energy-guzzling monsters, an air conditione­r is a big monster. By turning on the air conditione­r all the time, we are allowing this monster to eat up lots of our electricit­y supply and release harmful waste products into our environmen­t as they run. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be cool and comfortabl­e but let us not forget to care about our Earth at the same time. It is possible to live comfortabl­y without any air conditioni­ng at all. Opt to cool your homes with the more energy-friendly fan. Otherwise, don’t set the air conditione­r temperatur­e too low and be sure to turn it off when it’s not in use. Watch how your electricit­y charges go down as you make these changes!

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