Diabetic Living

Ham and potato rostis


These crunchy bites seem way more naughty than

they actually are.

PREPARATIO­N TIME: 20 MINS COOKING TIME: 10 MINS SERVES 2 (AS A MAIN) 300g Carisma potatoes, peeled, coarsely grated, excess moisture squeezed out

1 carrot, coarsely grated

1 zucchini, finely grated, excess

moisture squeezed out

1 Tbsp finely chopped thyme leaves 2 x 60g eggs, lightly whisked

80g shaved salt-reduced

leg ham, chopped

2 Tbsp reduced-fat grated cheddar 2 Tbsp wholemeal self-raising

flour or gluten-free flour

Freshly ground black pepper

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

20g (1 cup) baby rocket leaves

1/4 red capsicum, cut into short,

thin strips

Squeeze of fresh lemon juice

or balsamic glaze

2 Tbsp extra-light sour cream Lemon wedges (optional), to serve

1 Combine potatoes, carrot, zucchini, thyme, eggs, ham, cheese and flour in a medium bowl. Season with pepper.

2 Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium. Add 4 x 1/4 cupfuls of mixture to the pan and press down slightly to make 4 rostis. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until bases are golden brown. Carefully turn over and cook for a further 1 minute or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel. Cover with foil then repeat with remaining oil and batter in 2 more batches, making 12 fritters in total.

3 Combine rocket and capsicum in a serving bowl and drizzle with lemon juice or balsamic glaze. To serve, top rostis with sour cream and sprinkle with pepper. Serve with the side salad and lemon wedges, if you like.


Try replacing Carisma potatoes with orange sweet potato, rocket with spinach, and capsicum with roasted red capsicum strips (in vinegar).

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