Diabetic Living

Feel better, be happier

Want to know the four secrets to maintainin­g a life full of vim and vigour? Here they are


Our diabetes experts were asked: “If a person with type 1 diabetes wanted you to list the three things they could do to increase their chances of living a healthy life into their old age, what would those three things be?”

We also asked them to outline their advice for a person with type 2. Most delivered the same guidance regardless of the type of diabetes, such as the importance of managing blood glucose levels (BGLs), eating a healthy diet and exercising.

But there were surprises, and the results can be seen in our four pillars to living well (see opposite) that will help you stay healthy your entire life. Put simply, our secrets to living longer and feeling great!



In order to successful­ly manage diabetes and minimise any complicati­ons, you need to understand the impact food has on your BGLs. But that doesn’t mean eating boring meals. Turn to page 74.



If you don’t already enjoy exercise it’s because you haven’t found what works for you – yet. There is so much research that proves moving is essential to a healthy life. Go to page 80 and be inspired.


You’re the person who’s in charge of your diabetes, however, there’s no need to feel alone. Turn to page 84 for guidance on how to assemble the best healthcare team for you.



There’s little point in eating well, getting regular exercise and doing all your health checks if you’re not enjoying life. On page 88 you can read up on how to boost your mental and emotional wellbeing. Go for it!

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