Diabetic Living

yoga cheat sheet



A few words or syllables to repeat while meditating, either silently or aloud. It’s meant to inspire and keep the mind from wandering – similar to an affirmatio­n.


(NAH-meh-stay) Much like “aloha” in Hawaiian culture, this word has come to have many meanings, including hello, goodbye and thank you.


A sound meant to signify the hum of the universe – a chanting staple.


Also known as corpse pose, this is a deep relaxation pose in which your body is completely free of tension, which allows all the benefits of the yoga to take effect.


Your instructor will say “sit on your sitz bones”, which means to support yourself by connecting with the two bony protrusion­s in your butt.


A sequence of asanas including mountain pose, standing forward bend, lunge, plank pose, chaturanga, upward-facing dog, and downward-facing dog.


(tah-DAHS-anna) Also known as mountain pose, this is the starting position for all standing poses. Stand with your feet parallel and as close together as is comfortabl­e. Firm your thigh muscles, lift the top of your head towards the ceiling and hang your arms by your side.

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