Diabetic Living

How do I deal with the ‘diabetes police’?


Janine says: As frustratin­g as it is, it’s important you find a constructi­ve way to work with people who can’t help but provide constant advice, prompts and commentary on how you are managing your diabetes. Why? Because very often they are partners, parents, friends and co-workers who care a lot about you, and who you care about, too.

Start by letting them know how their ongoing advice makes you feel. Perhaps it makes you feel that you can’t be trusted, or are not capable. Maybe it makes it harder for you to do what’s needed. Try not to criticise or blame, and recognise that most advice is motivated by good intentions. State what would be helpful and be clear about the support you would like.

Lastly, self-promote! Let your loved ones see how much you are capable of. Whether it’s getting some exercise, cooking a healthful meal or testing blood glucose, let them know how much you know and are capable of doing.

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