Diabetic Living



STEP ONE: Warm-up

Start with 5 minutes of gentle movement. We suggest marching in place (standing or seated) for 4 minutes, then performing one repetition of each exercise on pages 116117 without the bands.

STEP TWO: Strength training Follow the circuit on pages 116-117. It’s made up of four exercises, performed one right after the other. Each exercise lasts for 45 seconds, which is broken into three 15-second intervals:

• Interval 1: 15 seconds of easy to moderate intensity

• Interval 2: 15 seconds of faster movement at a high intensity

• Interval 3: 15 seconds of recovery jogging to prepare for the next exercise

Work up to repeating the circuit a total of 2 or 3 times. At any time, if you’re unable to keep your form and move through the full range of motion, slow down, make the move smaller or take a break.

STEP THREE: Cool-down Do the five gentle stretches on pages 118-119 for 20 seconds each. ➤

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