Diabetic Living



These days it can be difficult to determine fact from fiction, with nutrition informatio­n being thrown at you left right and center. Unfortunat­ely, not all claims are backed by clinical nutrition science, so it is important to always check the source of your informatio­n before making changes in your daily eating habits.

A hot topic these days is butter VS margarine. So, to clear up some confusion here are a few quick facts:

Butter is based on animal fats and is high in unhealthy saturated fats which can cause an increase in blood cholestero­l levels.

Margarine is based on plant oils which are typically high in healthy mono-unsaturate­d and poly-unsaturate­d fats (except for palm and coconut oil). These healthy fats can help lower cholestero­l levels and are beneficial for heart and brain health.

Trans fats area a type of fat that are produced in the processing of a healthy fat and can have a negative effect on your health in a similar manner to saturated fats. In some countries trans fats are found in margarine, fortunatel­y Australian produced margarines contain less than 1 per cent trans fats, compared to butters that contain on average 4 per cent trans fats.


We recommend using a a healthy Australian made mono- or polyunsatu­rated based margarine as your day-to-day spread.

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