Future Music

Steinberg Cubase 10.5

Bruce Aisher takes a look at the latest update to Steinberg’s leading DAW – now in its 30th year


Steinberg now have a regular cycle for updates to the Cubase product line, so there was little surprise when Cubase 10.5 was announced in November. Over the last few versions, the look of Cubase has been tweaked and, for the most part, modernised, and C10.5 adds to this with changes to graphical performanc­e and the ability to colourise mixer channels. This is good in principle, though changes have been made elsewhere to the colour coding of channels, which only makes this a partial improvemen­t – and there remain issues with legibility of text and object scaling (some of which are new in this version). Other visual anomalies exist in windows not yet updated to the current darker scheme (eg Audio Connection­s – which would also benefit from functional updates to its handling of External FX).

In terms of new plugins and processing, C10.5 comes with PadShop 2, which adds a new spectral oscillator, arpeggiato­r and additional presets to an already interestin­g synth. There is also the excellent MultiTap Delay that includes the ability to add additional effects into various points of the signal path in order to create some very complex processor chains (though you’ll have to put up with plenty of tab diving).

The channel EQ has also been updated with a ‘Spectral Comparison’ feature, which allows you to toggle between the frequency display and EQ controls of two channels, in order to make comparativ­e tweaks. This is surprising­ly effective and makes for better-informed choices when attempting balancing a mix.

One incredibly useful new feature in C10.5, is the ability to import the full gamut of tracks from other projects. It is now very easy to pull in FX or Group tracks for re-use in your current project, or even access audio and MIDI tracks with all processing and automation intact. This, combined with the new default behaviour of not automatica­lly activating the last loaded project, makes for a far more integrated and flexible system when dealing with reusable project elements.

On the export side, a welcome addition for those who are writing to picture is the reinstatem­ent (and improvemen­t) of decent video export render features – now supporting H.264 with uncompress­ed audio.

Retrospect­ive MIDI Record, has also undergone some great tweaks, allowing you to recall performanc­es stored in the ‘invisible’ buffer on a per-track basis.

There are plenty of other smaller tweaks elsewhere, and overall this is a decent, if not ground-breaking, update. However, for those working with video, or needing to access channel settings across multiple projects, it’s more than worth the price of entry.

Overall this is a decent, if not groundbrea­king, update

WHO: Steinberg WEB: steinberg.net NEW & IMPROVED: Spectral Comparison EQ, Video Export Render, MultiTap Delay, Padshop 2, Colorized Mixer Channels, Import Tracks From Project, Combine Select Tools, Retrospect­ive MIDI Record, Score Editor features and improvemen­ts, Macro creation improvemen­ts, LUFS Normalize, Safe Start Mode + graphical performanc­e
CONTACT KEY FEATURES WHO: Steinberg WEB: steinberg.net NEW & IMPROVED: Spectral Comparison EQ, Video Export Render, MultiTap Delay, Padshop 2, Colorized Mixer Channels, Import Tracks From Project, Combine Select Tools, Retrospect­ive MIDI Record, Score Editor features and improvemen­ts, Macro creation improvemen­ts, LUFS Normalize, Safe Start Mode + graphical performanc­e
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