The listed creatures can be found in the grid in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally. Once you have found all of them, the remaining letters will reveal another unique animal that can be found in South America.


1. Acouchi

2. Agouti

3. Alpaca

4. Anaconda

5. Andean condor

6. Armadillo

7. Atlantic bamboo rat

8. Bolo mouse

9. Bristle-spined rat

10. Brocket

11. Brucie

12. Bulldog bat

13. Bush dog

14. Caenolesti­d

15. Caiman

16. Capybara

17. Cavy

18. Chinchilla

19. Coati

20. Conyrat

21. Coruro

22. Coypu

23. Culpeo

24. Degu

25. Geoffroy’s cat

26. Grass mouse

27. Hocicudo

28. Howler

29. Jaguar

30. Juan Fernández fur seal

31. Kinkajou

32. Llama

33. Macaw

34. Manatee

35. Maned wolf

36. Mara

37. Margay

38. Marmoset

39. Monito del monte

40. Myotis

41. Night monkey

42. Ocelot

43. Olingo

44. Opossum

45. Otter

46. Peccary

47. Pericote

48. Piranha

49. Pocket mouse

50. Porcupine

51. Pudú

52. Saki

53. Sea lion

54. Serotine

55. Shrew

56. Silky anteater

57. Skunk

58. Sloth

59. Southern right whale

60. Spectacled bear

61. Spider monkey

62. Squirrel

63. Tamarin

64. Tapeti

65. Tapir

66. Tayra

67. Titi

68. Toucan

69. Tuco-tuco

70. Uakari

71. Vesper mouse

72. Vicuña

73. Viscacha

74. Weasel

75. Woolly monkey

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