
Ashraf Saleh grew up in the Middle East, beginning his career as a chef in the late 1970s at the Sheraton Hotel in Saudi Arabia. In the early ’80s, Ashraf embarked on a journey through France, England and Sweden – in a quest to further refine his culinary expertise. Decades later, Saleh opened his own restaurant, Coya in Sydney, which he says caters to the ‘adventurou­s foodie’. And now everyone can try his unique blend of French and Middle Eastern Cuisine, thanks to his new book Coya (New Holland). One of the recipes from the book Saleh would like everyone to try is his organic chicken tagine with mograbieh & minted yoghurt (see mindfood.com/coya for the recipe).

“This dish is very special because it’s a real must for the family to share during festival season. Batinjan is also delicious, as is the wild rice pilau with porcini fluid gel,” says Saleh.

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