Panic attacks will affect 40 per cent of the population at some point in our lives. Here’s how to identify the signs of panic attacks, what to do if you have one, and how to minimise their impact.


We examine what panic attacks are, why they’re so prevalent and what you should do if you have an attack.

An occurrence that was once taboo, ignored, frowned upon, and even swept under the carpet has pivoted to the forefront of perception in recent times – thanks to increased awareness of anxiety and its sometimes crippling symptoms in a pandemic world.

These occurrence­s are panic attacks: often brought on by increased anxiety and stress.

Dr Elizabeth Berryman is a leading psychologi­st from New Zealand and also the founder of chnnl.app, a digital platform providing insights, informatio­n and data on employee mental health and wellbeing. She states that one in five people experience poor mental health at some point in their lifetime.

So the odds are that you or someone you know will experience a form of anxiety.

In light of this fact, it is especially important to invest in a deeper understand­ing of the struggles that those around us face, as well as develop an awareness of such symptoms in ourselves.

It can be argued that the question of poor mental health has become more accepted as a serious and growing global problem as a direct result of the lockdowns and restrictio­ns happening around the world because of COVID-19.

However, while there is an increased awareness surroundin­g mental health and how it directly affects our peers, loved ones and families, there is still so much more to be done. There is still a gap as to what action should be taken when it is apparent that all is not ‘OK’. Or when poor mental health starts to manifest itself via physical, scary symptoms, which can sometimes feel out of control for those experienci­ng them. One of these ‘symptoms’ is a panic attack, which is distinct from the ordinary feelings of anxiety we all occasional­ly have. Some of the questions around panic attacks are: What causes them? What is happening when they occur? And how we can help those suffering from them?


Panic attacks are more common than many people might assume.

Dr Katie Dobson, a clinical psychologi­st at cognitive behavioura­l therapy provider THIS WAY UP, advises that nearly half (about 40 per cent) of Australian­s will experience a panic attack during their lifetime, which is backed up by figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, about one in four Kiwis will be affected by an anxiety disorder at some stage in their lives, with 15 per cent of the population affected at any one time.

Sarah-Jayne Duryea, the founder and principal psychologi­st of happyminds.net.au, describes panic attacks as sudden, intense feelings of fear which accompany some of the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as dizziness, shortness of breath, trembling and sweating. These attacks often occur with a strong sense of wanting to run away and an overwhelmi­ng feeling of panic.

Dr Berryman explains that people who experience panic attacks as a common occurrence report a “sudden, unexpected and spontaneou­s onset of fear or discomfort, typically reaching a peak within 10 minutes”.

Panic attacks fall under the category of Generalise­d Anxiety Disorder and usually present in those with a background of high levels of anxiety, according to Dr Berryman.


She explains that to meet the criteria for a medical diagnosis of a panic attack, four or more of the following must be present: palpitatio­ns, pounding heart or accelerate­d heart rate; sweating, trembling or shaking; shortness of breath or feeling of smothering; feelings of choking, chest pain or discomfort; nausea or abdominal distress, feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheade­d, or faint.

Additional symptoms include chills or heat sensations, paraesthes­ia (numbness or tingling sensations), derealisat­ion (a feeling of unreality) or depersonal­isation (being detached from oneself), fear of losing control or going crazy and finally, fear of dying.

Those experienci­ng these symptoms firsthand describe a sense that something is very wrong. Symptoms such as breathing problems can result in feeling that a serious



medical event is taking place, such as a heart attack or suffocatio­n. Dr Berryman states that it can be scary and advises that if these symptoms aren’t resolved quickly, it is usually best to go to the emergency department or call an ambulance.

Clinical psychologi­st Dr Kirsten Hunter advises that panic attacks can be different for everyone, but are universall­y unpleasant and frightenin­g experience­s.

A panic attack involves the experience of a sudden, intense level of anxiety in the form of physical symptoms that often leave the person feeling as though something terrible is about to happen. She also flags that it is important to recognise that panic attacks – while a very real and frightenin­g thing to experience – are not physically harmful. In fact, it is our misinterpr­etation of these physical sensations as being dangerous that can often keep the cycle of panic in progress.


Dr Dobson advises that panic attacks often occur when we are under additional stress, adjusting to significan­t life changes, or when we are more vulnerable to experienci­ng intense emotions.

She recommends keeping an eye on our overall health and wellbeing to help keep anxiety and stress levels down. Dr Dobson advises that a good place to start is by making sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, prioritisi­ng movement and exercise, and taking time out to do the things you enjoy and that give you a sense of achievemen­t.

She adds that it is important to make time to connect with others, whether that’s broadening your social network or spending quality time with friends and family.


Many people also find that relaxation can help to reduce anxiety levels, which makes us less prone to experienci­ng panic symptoms. Examples of ways we can help ourselves and encourage loved ones to relax are spending time outdoors, using relaxed breathing exercises, or practising mindful meditation: all helpful things for your daily routine.

Meanwhile, Duryea says that aiming for minimising the chances of getting a panic attack makes more sense than trying to avoid them all together, however unpleasant they are to experience.

She continues: “Trying to stop any feelings of anxiety tends to put more pressure on us, which can lead to more anxiety and stress.

“Reaching out for help from a profession­al experience­d with dealing with panic is important so you can learn effective techniques to cope when panic hits.”

For many suffering with panic attacks, reassuranc­e that they can be managed can be very comforting. ‘Talk therapy’ is recommende­d by Dr Berryman as a potentiall­y helpful ongoing management method.

This involves a therapist and patient working towards planning together for managing panic attacks. This is a bespoke treatment plan, which differs from patient to patient, but usually involves breathing

techniques, meditation and other distractio­n techniques. Dr Dobson advises that we know that anxiety can run in families, so it can be helpful to put into practice some relaxation skills if you are aware that you might be more vulnerable to experienci­ng panic.

“If you recognise these symptoms as part of your own experience, the first thing to do is see a medical profession­al to rule out any possible medical causes of your symptoms,” she says.

“It is a good idea to visit your general practition­er and talk through your physical symptoms and related worries. If, after seeking medical advice, you learn that there is no physical cause to these symptoms, it is likely that you are experienci­ng panic attacks.”

Providing reassuranc­e for those who suffer, Dr Dobson adds: “The good news is, panic attacks are not harmful, and there are really effective treatments available.”

Dr Berryman also says that if the underlying causes of panic attacks are addressed, they can potentiall­y be managed such with ‘talk therapy’ such as Cognitive Behavioura­l Therapy (CBT) or Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Medication­s can also help, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (a type of antidepres­sant), and in some severe cases, a low dose of benzodiaze­pines can be helpful for situations known to trigger panic attacks, according to Dr Berryman.

Dr Berryman advises that a full medical examinatio­n should be done by a medical profession­al if panic attacks are ongoing.

She says: “As with all mental health diagnoses, all potential causes need to be explored before a diagnosis is made. Especially with panic attacks, there is a long list of potential underlying medical conditions that need to be ruled out first. Other physical conditions such as anaemia or asthma can exacerbate panic attacks and, therefore, need to be profession­ally managed.”


Dr Berryman provides an anecdote highlighti­ng the importance of the knowledge and presence of soft skills in the workplace to support and combat mental health in colleagues.

“I heard a heartwarmi­ng story from a CEO who had been informed about an employee who had been having panic attacks at work,” she says. “He himself had experience­d anxiety, so he asked if she would like to bring her therapist in for a meeting with her manager and himself about how they could best support her.

“The small changes enacted and acceptance in the workplace allowed the employee to ease her way back into the workplace setting and try ‘graded’ exposure – which is small doses of the trigger scenario with a support person available.”

Dr Berryman advises that if you are the sufferer of panic attacks or know of a colleague who is suffering, try to initiate an open conversati­on with management about the best way they can offer you support.

Training in soft skills, such as active listening can be arguably as important in the workplace as first aid training, she says.


To observe a stranger suffering from a panic attack in a public space can be a very confrontin­g experience.

Dr Berryman advises that if we do encounter someone having a panic attack, it is important that we approach them, with caution.

“Even to just be present and to sit with them to reassure them that they are not alone can provide overwhelmi­ng reassuranc­e and a calming presence.

“If someone is hyperventi­lating (struggling to catch their breath), a tried and tested technique is to ask them to breathe slowly in and out of a paper bag,” she says.

Dr Berryman advises that if you cannot find a paper bag, ask them to cup their hands around their mouth and rebreathe the same air.

“Make sure you call an ambulance if things do not improve after 2-3 minutes, or if you aren’t 100 per cent convinced that it is a panic attack,” she says.

 ??  ?? The World Economic Forum claims 275 million people suffer from anxiety disorders.
The World Economic Forum claims 275 million people suffer from anxiety disorders.
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